
A chrome extension to make remark easier to use on any markdown file on the web...

Primary LanguageCSS

Markdown Slides

Markdown slides is a Chrome extension that allows you to view any markdown file as a slideshow directly in your Chrome browser (Provided it follows a few Remark conventions).

Download: Chrome Webstore

Launching a slideshow

  1. Open a markdown file in a browser tab. You can use this file as an example. Note: If you want to use local files, you need to "allow access to file URLs" in chrome:extensions.
  2. Press Ctrl+Shift+M or Cmd+Shift+M, or just click the slideshow icon to render the markdown file directly in your browser.


The one deviation from remarkjs is that the extension will look for CSS files by convention, allowing you to customize your presentations. These CSS files are optional.

It looks for slides.css in the same directory as the markdown file.

Also, it looks for a css file that matches the name of your markdown file. For example, if you have a markdown file called foo.md, Markdown Slides will look for a foo.css in the same directory.

This allows you to have multiple markdown files in a directory, each sharing a default theme slides.css, and each optionally able to have its own theme.