Next.js Test v1

This code come from the starter template for Learn Next.js. But original code was made based on Page Router(before v13), so I did migrate to the App Router.


  • migrate it to the App Router.
  • apply MUI to this code.

Target to migrate

  • chage root directory as pages to app
  • app.js to page.js
  • apply special files
    • pages/_app -> app/layout.js
    • index.js -> page.js
    • pages/posts/[id].js -> app/posts/[id]/page.js
    • styles/global.css -> app/layout.js
    • components/layout.js -> ?
    • pages/api/* -> app/api/route.js
  • change previous functions
    • getServerSideProps, getStaticProps, getInitialProps -> fetch
    • getStaticPaths -> generateStaticParams