Quick Start

1. Get the latest version

You can start by cloning the latest version of React Web App Boilerplate on your local machine by running:

$ git clone -o react-web-app-boilerplate -b master --single-branch \
      https://github.com/sylee999/react-web-app-boilerplate.git MyApp
$ cd MyApp

2. Run yarn install

3. Run yarn start

Note that the yarn start command launches the app in development mode, the compiled output files are not optimized and minimized in this case. You can use --release command line argument to check how your app works in release (production) mode:

$ yarn start -- --release

How to Build, Test, Deploy

If you need just to build the app (without running a dev server), simply run:

$ yarn run build

or, for a production build:

$ yarn run build -- --release

or, for a production docker build:

$ yarn run build -- --release --docker

After running this command, the /build folder will contain the compiled version of the app. For example, you can launch Node.js server normally by running node build/server.js.

To check the source code for syntax errors and potential issues run:

$ yarn run lint

To deploy the app, run:

$ yarn run deploy

How to Update

If you need to keep your project up to date with the recent changes, you can always fetch and merge them from this repo back into your own project by running:

$ git checkout master
$ git fetch react-web-app-boilerplate
$ git merge react-web-app-boilerplate/master
$ yarn install