
Author's implementation of learning virtual chimeras by dynamic motion reassembly (SIGGRAPH Asia 2022 Technical Paper)

Primary LanguageC++


We checked code works in Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04.


All dependencies can be installed at once by the command below.


This script download sources on c_env and py_env and installs on the same directory.


You can build via:

cd build
make -jN


You can render the input motion file/trained network by executing render file in build/render. You should activate the installed virtual environment by source py_env/bin/activate before running.

To open renderer, you need render config file in data/render

cd build/render
./render --config=FILE_NAME


All possible arguments are written in network/ppo.py.

cd network
python3 ppo.py --test_name=TEST_NAME --nslave=N --sim_config=FILE_NAME

For example, to train chimera1 walk,

cd network
python3 ppo.py --test_name=chimera1_walk --nslave=8 --sim_config=chimera1/config_walk.txt

Input Files

To train assembled character, you need

source characters (skeleton) in data/character

source motions in data/motion

assembled character (skeleton) in data/character/assembled

charactor configurations for simulation in data/config

configurations for overall training in data/config