ULX3S sdram_memtest sample build fails.
Closed this issue · 4 comments
ERROR: cell type '$print' is unsupported (instantiated as '__main.sdram.q_sd_done_LUT4_B_Z$print_EN')
Warnings: 1 unique messages, 1 total
End of script. Logfile hash: 24a6912103, CPU: user 1.00s system 0.05s
Yosys 0.35+7 (git sha1 5691cd095, aarch64-apple-darwin20.2-clang 10.0.0-4ubuntu1 -fPIC -Os)
Time spent: 18% 21x read_verilog (0 sec), 15% 35x opt_expr (0 sec), ...
nextpnr-ecp5 -l next.log --85k --freq 25 --package CABGA381 --timing-allow-fail --lpf /Users/gopal/FPGA/Silice/frameworks/boards/ulx3s/ulx3s.lpf --json build.json --textcfg build.config
=== top ===
Number of wires: 566
Number of wire bits: 1785
Number of public wires: 566
Number of public wire bits: 1785
Number of memories: 0
Number of memory bits: 0
Number of processes: 0
Number of cells: 653
$print 1
CCU2C 56
L6MUX21 31
LUT4 282
looks like it is the __display function that is non synthesizable
Thanks - this is new behavior as __display was simply ignored in hardware as of Yosys 0.29+11. I've pushed a fix for this particular example (enclosing __display
in pre-processor directives as it should have been). I'll look into a simpler approach where non synthesizable directives are simply ignored when targeting hardware.
Thanks. Fantastic work. Really educative and inspiring. Keep it up.