
An exercising in rendering several hundred thousand objects in Unity3d at 60fps

Primary LanguageShaderLab


Stats in-editor on PC (GTX1080, Unity2017.3.0f3)

601.5k verts (902.6k tris) 29 batches @15ms

Some gifs

32,500 Cubes, 50fps

Rendering 32,500 cubes (260,000 vertices) at over 50fps.

Pre-optimization spherical explosion, 8125 Cubes


Before script optimizations, 8125 cubes moving out around a source.

An application, in Unity, of some techniques outlined by Ishibashi Seiya (@i_saint / https://github.com/i-saint) at the Unite 2015 Tokyo conference.

Slides and video from the talk (and others can be found here: http://japan.unity3d.com/unite/unite2015/schedule


  • Improve API for dynamicly loading and unloading new meshes
  • Add support for meshes that do not receive individual transformations each frame, but can be paired with physics colliders (similarly to Speed Tree)