This is a port of the Monokai theme from Sublime Text 2 to PHPStorm. It looks a bit like this:
The main languages should be covered but things like HAML and SASS probably don't have the right colours, yet.
Taking my cue from Cameron Eagans' port of the Solarized theme for PHP Storm, I'm not going to faff about with .jar files just to distribute a single XML file. So:
Go to Preferences -> Editor -> Colors and Fonts. Create a new color scheme called "Monokai Sublime".
Click Apply.
Search your hard drive for a file called "Monokai_Sublime.xml"
Replace that file with the one in this github repository.
On a Mac, you'll find that file at
On Linux the file is located at
On Windows, the files are located in
C:\Documents and Settings\<Your username>\.WebIde10\config\colors