🌌 QuantumTimeSandwich Overview 🥪

Simulation platform 🚀 that merges advanced quantum algorithms with cryptographic techniques.


git clone https://github.com/Paraxiom/QuantumTimeSandwich.git
cd QuantumTimeSandwich/[subdirectory]
cargo build
cargo test
cargo bench

📁 Project Structure

The QuantumTimeSandwich project is organized into multiple subdirectories. Each subdirectory is a unique crate, packed with its own functionalities, examples, tests, and benchmarks.

🔐 BB84

  • Location: bb84/
  • Functionality: Specializes in the BB84 quantum key distribution protocol.
  • Available Examples:
    • basis_selection_demo
    • bb84_aes_integration
    • bb84_simulation
    • eavesdropping_demo
    • lattice_crypto_demo
    • lwe-demo
    • ring-lwe-demo
  • Commands:
    cd bb84/
    cargo run --example [example_name]
    cargo test
    cargo bench
  - **GRPC:**

RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --bin quantum_time_sandwich_server

#### 2. 🧠 QuantumTimeSandwich Core

- **Location:** `QuantumTimeSandwich/`
- **Functionality:** Core quantum computing simulations and cryptographic functions.
- **Examples:** 
- `bell_inequalities`
- `cswap`
- `dense_coding`
- `deutch`
- `grovers`
- `inverse_example`
- `macro_example`
- `optimizer_example`
- `simple`
- **Commands:**
cd QuantumTimeSandwich/
cargo run --example [example_name]
cargo test
cargo bench

#### 3. 🔁 QuantumTimeSandwich Iterators

- **Location:** `QuantumTimeSandwich-iterators/`
- **Functionality:** Advanced iterators for quantum state manipulation.
- **Commands:**
cd QuantumTimeSandwich-iterators/
cargo test

Follow the specific commands listed under each subdirectory to run examples, tests, and benchmarks.

License 📜

QuantumTimeSandwich, with contributions from https://github.com/Renmusxd/RustQIP, is released under the MIT License. You are free to use, modify, and distribute the software, provided that proper credit is given.