
Service example with several frameworks/stacks

Primary LanguageJava


Test service with several frameworks/stacks.

Test case

Application starts REST server and maps it to PricingController, so that it exposes methods:

  • Find price for an article reference.

PricingController calls PricingService, which:

  1. calls CatalogueClient to get article info from remote service,
  2. calls DiscountPolicyClient to get appropriate discount from remote service,
  3. applies discount to article

Configuration includes:

  • Configuration of REST service (binding port, etc.)
  • Base URLs used to contact other services


Custom stack, including:

  • RestExpress for REST capabilities
  • Dagger for injection
  • Metrics for monitoring
  • Hystrix for fault-tolerance
  • Jersey client for calls other REST services
  • Apache commons CLI for command line parsing

All configuration (but for Hystrix) is set in the command line. Default values are set for all properties.

How to run


Spring Boot, with modules:

  • Actuator for monitoring
  • Swagger2 for REST interface documentation
  • Hystrix for fault-tolerance

All configuration (but for Hystrix) is set in application.properties file.

How to run