
[UNMAINTENED - What I was trying to achieve here !??] Add custom configurable props to React elements.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Custom configurable props for React components / elements.

Add custom configurable props or HTML attributes to React components / elements, or any HTML elements.

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Instal via npm: npm install --save react-custom-props

View the JSbin demo

Use case: Add custom props to elements

Say we have a customizable HelloWorld component which has:

  • a required name props
  • an optional custom props
  • an optional customOptions props

Use with custom props values

const custom = {
  // optional custom props can be a value
  className: 'hello-world'
const node = (
  <HelloWorld name="foo" custom={custom} />

Or if you prefer (further examples will use this notation):

const props = { name: 'foo', custom: {
  className: 'hello-world'
const node = (
  <HelloWorld {...props} />

Use with custom props functions

Hanlders are not evaluated by default (props name matches /^on\w/ RegExp).

const custom = { custom: {
  // optional custom props can be a function
  className: (...args) => ('hello-world'),

  // handlers /^on\w/ are not evaluated by default
  onClick: (ev) => {
    ev.preventDefault(); return false;

Use with custom.children array (indexed child)

const custom = { custom: {
  // optional children custom props can be an array
  children: [
    // will be applied to the first child
      style: {backgroundColor: 'yellow'}

Use with custom.children object (named child)

const custom = { custom: {
  // optional children custom props can be an object
  children: {
    // will be applied to the 'span' child
    span: {
      style: {backgroundColor: 'yellow'}

Use with customOptions props

Available customOptions are:

  • ignore: A matcher to ignore some props. The matched props are ignored in the resulting custom props. Default is null.
  • raw: A matcher to copy as is some props. The matched props are copied as is in the resulting custom props. Default is /^on\w/, so that handlers are not evaluated.
  • bind: A value for this in the evaluated custom props function. Default is null

A matcher can be either:

  • a value: The custom props name matches if it equals the value.
  • null or undefined (void): The custom props name never matches.
  • a RegExp: The custom props name matches if it the RegExp test success (i.e. /^foo/.test(name) w/ name = 'foo' is a success).
  • a Function: The custom props name matches if the function returns a truthly value.
  • an Array of the previous matcher types: The custom props name matches if it matches every matchers.
import custom from 'react-custom-props';

const props = {
  custom: {
    shouldBeIgnored: 'value', // should be ignored
    ignoreThisOneToo: 'value', // ignored too
    onClick: (ev) => (false), // handlers are raw
    rawValue: 'rawValue', //
    rawFunc: () => ('rawFunc')
    propValue: 'propValue',
    propFunc: () => ('propFunc'), // should be evaluated to 'propFunc'
    prop: (value) => (value) // should be evaluated to the passed in value
  customOptions: {
    ignore: ['shouldBeIgnored', /^ignore/],
    raw: [/^on\w/, (name) => (name.substr(0, 3) === 'raw')]
    // let `bind` be the default (null)
const customProps = custom(props)('argument');
  onClick: (ev) => (false),
  rawValue: 'rawValue',
  rawFunc: () => ('rawFunc'),
  propValue: 'propValue',
  propFunc: 'propFunc',
  prop: 'argument'

Use case: Design a fully configurable component

With stateless function

Custom props are evaluated with props in the following example.

import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
import custom, {addPropTypesCustom} from 'react-custom-props';

export default function HelloWorld(props) {
  return (
    // inject optional root props
    <h1 {...custom(props)(props)}>
      // inject optional named child props
      <span {...custom(props, 'span')(props)}>
      </span> !

HelloWorld.propTypes = {
  name: PropTypes.string.isRequired,

// add PropTypes Custom (not required)

With React Component class

Custom props are evaluated with this.props and this.state in the following example.

import React, {PropTypes, Component} from 'react';
import custom, {addPropTypesCustom} from 'react-custom-props';

class HelloWorld extends Component {
  render() {
    return (
      // inject optional root props
      <h1 {...custom(this.props)(this.props, this.state)}>
        // inject optional named child props
        <span {...custom(this.props, 'span')(this.props, this.state)}>
        </span> !

HelloWorld.propTypes = {
  name: PropTypes.string.isRequired

// add PropTypes Custom (not required)