
Command line tool to detect breaking changes between two openapi specifications

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Build Status

How to install

npm install -g @azure/oad

git Usage

vishrut@visshamac openapi-diff $ oad compare --help
  compare <old-spec> <new-spec>  Compares old and new open api specification for
                                 breaking changes.

  --version          Show version number                               [boolean]
  -l, --logLevel     Set the logging level for console.
  [choices: "off", "json", "error", "warn", "info", "verbose", "debug", "silly"]
                                                               [default: "warn"]
  -f, --logFilepath  Set the log file path. It must be an absolute filepath. By
                     default the logs will stored in a timestamp based log file
                     at "/Users/vishrut/oad_output".
  -j, --inJson       A boolean flag indicating whether output format of the
                     messages is json.                 [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --help         Show help                                         [boolean]
  -o, --oldTagName   The tag name for the old specification file.  If include it 
                     indicates that the old spec file is a readme file
  -n, --newTagName   The tag name for the new specification file.  If include it 
                     indicates that the new spec file is a readme file

Build dependencies


Build scripts

How to build

The first step would be to run npm install so we have all the required modules installed.

How to build the whole repo


How to test

To run all tests under the repo

gulp test

How to bundle node package & install

gulp pack
npm install -g oad-0.1.0.tgz


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