A simple approach to Apple In App Purchases (IAP) that handles the presentation of products, purchasing, receipt validation, and timed free trials.
IAPKit is used by Kaleidoscope 2 and Pixelboard on iPad.
- An app running iOS 11+
- StoreKit
- Supports SafeArea Layout
- Supports Multitasking on iPad
Simply grab the framework (either via git submodule or another package manager).
Add the IAP.xcodeproj
to your Xcode project. Once that is complete, in your "Build Phases" add the IAP.framework
to your "Link Binary with Libraries" phase.
First thing is to define your app-specific product types by creating a new string typed enum that reference your IAP products in iTunes Connect. Be sure to import IAP
and StoreKit
enum IAPProducts: String {
case freeTrial = "001"
case standard = "002"
case pro = "003"
static let allIdentifiers: [IAPProducts] = [.freeTrial,
Then, extend your products to conform to Purchaseable
extension IAPProducts: Purchaseable {
static var relevantProductIdentifiers: Set<ProductIdentifier> {
return Set(IAPProducts.allIdentifiers.map{ $0.rawValue })
static var accentColorForStore: IAPColor {
return UIColor(red:0.40, green:0.32, blue:0.81, alpha:1.00)
var lifetime: ProductLifetime {
switch self {
case .freeTrial: return .expiring(afterSeconds: Days(14))
case .standard: return .unlimited
case .pro: return .unlimited
var productIdentifier: ProductIdentifier {
return rawValue
var marketingMessage: String {
switch self {
case .freeTrial:
return "Description of your free trial."
case .standard:
return "Description of your standard features."
case .pro:
return "Description of your pro features."
var callToActionButtonText: String {
switch self {
case .freeTrial:
return "Start Free Trial"
case .standard:
return "Buy Now"
case .pro:
return "Go Pro Now"
var marketingTitle: String {
switch self {
case .freeTrial:
return "Try [App Name] Now"
case .standard:
return "Buy [App Name] Now"
case .pro:
return "Go Pro Now"
init?(productIdentifier: ProductIdentifier) {
self.init(rawValue: productIdentifier)
// Conveniences
fileprivate func Days(_ days: Int) -> TimeInterval {
return TimeInterval(days * 24 * 60 * 60)
Last, extend your products to conform to Comparable
(required by Purchaseable
extension IAPProducts: Comparable {
static func <(lhs: IAPProducts, rhs: IAPProducts) -> Bool {
return lhs.sortIndex < rhs.sortIndex
private var sortIndex: Int {
switch self {
case .freeTrial: return 1
case .standard: return 2
case .pro: return 3
Import IAPKit
import IAP
Create a store object
private let store = Store<IAPProducts>()
Then, utilize the many options publicly available with the store object:
store.purchasedProducts // `[PurchasedProduct]?`
store.hasPurchasesAvailable // `Bool`
store.isAppPurchased // `Bool`
store.availability(for product: ) // -> `Availability`
store.presentAvailablePurchases(from presentingViewController: completion:)
func didRestorePurchases()
func didCompletePurchase(productIdentifier: )
func transactionDidFail(localizedErrorMessage: )
func transactionCancelled()
This framework has a dependency on OpenSSL. OpenSSL is required for receipt validation of the receipt delivered by Apple via the AppStore. Note: For the time being, the OpenSSL static libraries have only been incorporated into the iOS target.
The static library was built from the repo and instructions for OpenSSL-for-iPhone
The integration of the OpenSSL libraries vary somewhat from the instructions for OpenSSL-for-iPhone for the reason that their sample project shows how to integrate the library into a single target app. Because the BPXL IAP Framework is distributed as a "framework" we must follow a different procedure as we cannot import the OpenSSL headers in a bridging-header.h
file. Instead we must integrate the library using a module.modulemap
. You will find this file in iOS/ProjectModule/module.modulemap
Some specific build settings need to be set in order to facilitate this:
Receipt validation code is based off this tutorial
In order to fully integrate OpenSSL into our Swift Framework, I had to modify the OpenSSL header files and remove the openssl/
prefix from ALL #import <openssl/{file}.h>
references (nb: Jim Rutherford)
Looking for developers for your project?
This project is maintained by Black Pixel. We build apps that companies build their businesses on.
Services: iOS / Android / Web / tvOS / Chromecast / Roku

Website: blackpixel.com · Twitter: @blackpixel · Medium: @bpxl-craft