- 3
Kirby 4 compatibility
#18 opened by squareclouds - 1
Background for transparent images
#15 opened by janstieler - 1
imageradio in Blocks
#16 opened by AlexanderBoenninger - 0
3.8 compatibility
#17 opened by afbora - 2
Options dont get saved in blocks
#12 opened by caplod - 1
dont work with Conditional fields (when:)
#14 opened by besserdesign - 1
Native multilang functionality
#13 opened by squareclouds - 0
Images aren't displayed
#11 opened by isUnknown - 0
Change $query['label'] to $query['text']
#10 opened by iv-agatha - 2
- 2
text: option not work
#8 opened by pfrlv - 2
- 2
Trouble with imageradio type
#5 opened by elenaramirez - 3
[Kirby 3] Default value
#4 opened by medienbaecker - 0
#1 opened by sylvainjule - 1
Using smaller thumbnails
#3 opened by schnti