SSDM Package, Threshold Error Using "stack_modelling" function
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Hello, my name is Eric and I am doing a research project creating Species Distribution Models using single modelling algorithms, ensemble modelling, and then my final goal is to create a "Community Distribution Model" incorporating multiple species which seems possible using a "predict then assemble" or stacking strategy via the SSDM package and stack_modelling function. I have two questions.
Based on the description of the stack_modelling function is the only way to incorporate multiple species occurrence data points via the "occurrence" argument of this function? Thus far I have been dabbling with incorporating multiple species in a .csv file arranged with columns of species name, Longitude, Latitude. This appears to be the only method of incorporating multiple species data into a combined csv file, but please let me know if any other methods are possible.
Second question: as I am attempting to develop a "Community Level Model" using multiple species I have been using the stack_modelling function, and have recieved the following error when attempting to run the code: "Error in stack_modelling(c("all"), datafile, variable.stack, rep = 1 : Less than two species models were retained, you should lower the ensemble threshold value (ensemble.thresh parameter)." Based on the discussion above, I have tried lowering the threshold value, and still receive the same error. My variable "datafile" contains my presence data and "variable.stack" includes my predictor variables. Please advise.
Have you tried with a single species first? Have you verified also the spatial match between occurrences and your stack?