
A distributed, embedded, graph database engine.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

gun Build Status

Getting Started

If you do not have node or npm, read this first. Then in your terminal, run:

npm install gun

Now you can require it in the app you want to build.

var Gun = require('gun');

Once included, initialize a gun instance with your AWS S3 credentials.

var gun = Gun({
	s3: {
		key: '', // AWS Access Key
		secret: '', // AWS Secret Token
		bucket: '' // The bucket you want to save into

S3 is the default persistence layer, it can be replaced with others.

Now you can save your first object, and create a reference to it.

gun.set({ hello: 'world' }).key('my/first/data');

Altogether, try it with the node hello world web server which will reply with your data.

var Gun = require('gun');
var gun = Gun({
	s3: {
	  	key: '', // AWS Access Key
	  	secret: '', // AWS Secret Token
	  	bucket: '' // The bucket you want to save into
gun.set({ hello: 'world' }).key('my/first/data');

var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res){
	gun.load('my/first/data', function(err, data){
		res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'});
}).listen(1337, '');
console.log('Server running at');

Fire up your browser and hit that URL - you'll see your data, plus some gun specific metadata.


Below is a really basic overview of how the gun API works. For a more detailed explanation with many more examples, check out the wiki.

Setting Data

In gun, it can be helpful to think of everything as field/value pairs. For example, let's say we have a user object that looks like this:

  "username": "marknadal",
  "name": "Mark Nadal",
  "email": "mark@gunDB.io"

Now, we want to save this object to a key called usernames/marknadal. We can do that like this:

  username: "marknadal",
  name: "Mark Nadal",
  email: "mark@gunDB.io"

We can also pass set a callback that can be used to handle errors:

  username: "marknadal",
  name: "Mark Nadal",
  email: "mark@gunDB.io"
}, function(err){
  // Do something to handle the error

Getting Data

Once we have some data stored in gun, we need a way to get them out again. Retrieving the data that we just stored would look like this:

  console.log(user.name); // Prints `Mark Nadal` to the console

Basically, this tells gun to check usernames/marknadal, and then return the object it finds associated with it. For more information, including how to save relational or document based data, check out the wiki.


We're just getting started, so join us! Being lonely is never any fun, especially when programming. I want to help you, because my goal is for GUN to be the easiest database ever. That means if you ever get stuck on something for longer than 5 minutes, you should talk to me so I can help you solve it. Your input will then help me improve gun. We are also really open to contributions! GUN is easy to extend and customize:

Gun.on('opt').event(function(gun, opt){ /* Your module here! */ })

It is also important to us that your database is not a magical black box. So often our questions get dismissed with "its complicated hard low level stuff, let the experts handle it." And we do not think that attitude will generate any progress for people. Instead, we want to make everyone an expert by actually getting really good at explaining the concepts. So join our community, in the quest of learning cool things and helping yourself and others build awesome technology.

Google Group: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/g-u-n


  • Realtime push to the browser
  • Persistence in the browser
  • Authorization callbacks
  • Graph manipulation
  • Server to server communication
  • Test more
  • Bug fixes
  • More via additional module hooks (schema, queries, etc.)