
This project used Flower, Go Ethereum, IPFS, Web3, digital signature and socket to implement blockchain-based federated learning.

Primary LanguagePython

Description :

  • This project used Flower, Go Ethereum, Web3, IPFS, Socket, Digital signature to implement Blockchain-based federated learning

  • 執行順序:

    • Run Go Ethereum Boot Node $ bootnode --verbosity 9 --nodekey=boot.key

    • Run Miner Node, set up network id they’re connect with

      1. Miner 1:
        $ geth --mine --miner.threads 2 --syncmode "full" --miner.gasprice=0 --networkid 8787 --bootnodes enode://bootnode -writeaddress --nodekey=boot.key@ --datadir miner1/data --unlock "0xca38618860d047b63592cab7CB26c6DF2554141F" --password password.txt --http --http.addr --http.port 8547 --http.corsdomain '' --http.api 'admin,eth,net,web3,personal,miner' --ws --ws.addr --ws.port 8548 --port 30304 --ws.origins '' --ws.api 'eth,net,web3' --nousb --allow-insecure-unlock
      2. Miner 2:
        $ geth --mine --miner.threads 2 --syncmode "full" --miner.gasprice=0 --networkid 8787 --bootnodes enode://bootnode -writeaddress --nodekey=boot.key@ --datadir miner2/data --unlock "0x086e0Fcab268b9eE0C781a58D93D8de524D58fBf" --password password.txt --http --http.addr --http.port 8549 --http.corsdomain '' --http.api 'admin,eth,net,web3,personal,miner' --ws --ws.addr --ws.port 8549 --port 30305 --ws.origins '' --ws.api 'eth,net,web3' --nousb --allow-insecure-unlock
    • Run IPFS daemon
      $ cd BCFL/ & ipfs daemon

    • Flower server-client local training

      1. $ cd BCFL/
      2. $ python server_8080.py
      3. $ python client_8080.py
      4. $ python server_8787.py
      5. $ python client_8787.py
    • Run Task owner (socket_server)

      1. $ python socket_server.py --deploy_contract True
    • Client(s) pass their trained local model weight (IPFS hash) to task owner for validation & aggregation

      1. $ python socket_client.py -p="8787"
      2. $ python socket_client.py -p="8080"
  • Result : Task owner會回傳新Global Model Weight IPFS Hash, update latest_GMhash.txt and clear hash.txt