
E-commerce website using React Redux

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Refractor e-commerce platform from using global state React's Contect API to Redux.

Github : https://github.com/sylviaprabudy/redux-store

Website : https://redux-store-shop.herokuapp.com/


E-commerce website that allows user to login and purchase items, also see their order history.

User Story

- AS a senior engineer working on an e-commerce platform
- I WANT my platform to use Redux to manage global state instead of the Context API
- SO THAT my website's state management is taken out of the React ecosystem


  • This e-commerce website are sortec by categories.
  • Users are able add items from the homepage, category page and product detail page(PDP).
  • Users also able to delete item from PDP or cart.
  • Users also able to update the quantity of the items in the cart.
  • To continue to purchase their items, users must sign up and login.
  • Payments are handled by Stripe.
  • Once user paid, it will redirect them to the sucess page.
  • All the items pruchased will be saved in the history.

Gif Walkthrough

Technologies Use






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