
Winning app in braincode mobi #3 hackathon in Poznań, by Void7 team (no. 16)

Primary LanguagePython

malmal (Official: MealMan)

Winning app in braincode mobi #3 hackathon in Poznań, by Void7 team (no. 16)


Shopping list generator, based on diet

  1. Enter your diet, which is meals, products and its amounts for every day.
  2. Choose the days, for which you want to do the shoppings.
  3. MealMan generates the list, keeping in mind what's in your fridge.
  4. Do the shoppings using the generated list and tap on "finish shoppings".

How it's possible that the app knows what's in your fridge?

That's simple :) The app knows what you eat, when and how much. It also knows when did you do the shoppings, and how many days have past since then. The rest is pure mathematics.