
🔑正方教务系统 验证码识别 (zfsoft captcha recognition) with Tensorflow

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

ZFsoft [jwgl|jxgl] system captcha recognition v2

Inspired by AHU-JiaoWu, Modified from scikit-learn into tensorflow. Add more comments for tutorial use.

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pip install -r requirements.txt -U
python trainer.py # train your own model
python predictor.py  # 预测'./predict/'下的图片
# new
python app.py # flask sever to predict incoming data

Target image examples:

Result accuracy

# train
Epoch 36/36
1200/1200 [==============================] - 0s 47us/sample - loss: 0.0321 - acc: 0.9967
# test
196/196 [==============================] - 0s 476us/sample - loss: 0.1501 - acc: 0.9643

Todo List

  • Add some test sets. (Done)
  • More comments (for tutorial).
  • run a flask sever to predict incoming pic data (Done)
  • image_splite improve.
  • unitest & travis-ci (Abort)
  • command line argv support


  1. retrieve some picture
  2. tag the right code of each captcha pics
  3. write splite codes
  4. splite code (let output layer 36 [0-9, a-z])
  5. using tensorflow train the tagged data[*]
  6. save the model for future uses
  7. predict given pic with that model

Step 5 needs some basic tensorflow skills, you can learn these in the link below:

Flask sever [optional usage]

This is optional, you can use predictor.py alone by adding pictures into the predict folder. Or transmit picture data stream to the flask server.

python app.py # run this first

You can go to see the demo.

Or using some python code below with the api (this is POST only)

import requests

with open('Check.gif', 'rb') as f:
    stream = f.read()

r = requests.post('', data=stream)
if r.status_code == 200:


Due to the licence lacunae of original project, I added MIT LICENCE to my codes. The split picture codes' copyright are belong to @AHU-HUI.

bash@zfsoft-captcha2$ tree
├── app.py                # flask sever (predictor)
├── model
│   └── Model_tf.net      # tensorflow model created by trainer
├── predict/              # predict folder
├── process   
│   └── split_code_imgs.py
├── requirements.txt      
├── trainer.py            # train and test
├── predictor.py          # predictor
├── data
│   ├── train/            # train images
│   └── test_sets/        # test images