
This repository contains common libraries used by components at all layers

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SymbIoTe Libraries

This repository contains common SymbIoTe libraries used throughout different components and different layers. Its main use is to standardize classes which will be used for communication among components. Furthermore, it also contains security packages to facilitate secure access to resources (e.g. SecurityHandler).

How to include them in your code

Jitpack can be used to easily import SymbIoTe Libraries in your code. In Jitpack's website you can find guidelines about how to include repositories for different build automation systems. In the symbIoTe project which utilizes gradle, developers have to add the following in the build.gradle:

  1. Add jitpack in your root build.gradle at the end of repositories:
allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
  1. Add the dependency:

As you notice above, during development (i.e. feature and develop branches of component repositories) the develop branch of the SymbIoTeLibraries needs to be used, in order to make sure that the latest version is always retrieved. In the official releases (i.e. master branches of Component repositories), this dependecy will be changed to:


by the SymbIoTe integrators.