- KAIST, School of Computing
- Interested in AI, Software Engineeing, Web(FE, BE), Server & DevOps, APP, UI/UX
- AI, Neural Network, TF, PyTorch, data analysis
- Python, Java, C#, Javascript(node), C++
- React, React Native, Android, electron
- Django, Flask, Express, MySQL, MongoDB, Redis, Celery
- WebRTC, Real-time Streaming, websocket, mediasoup
- Docker, K8s, Vault, Consul, Terraform, Cloud(GCP, AWS, Azure)
- Prometheus, Grafana
- Lead Software Engineer & 산업기능요원 @ Transverse
- Class101 Lecturer - React 로 웹 개발의 기초부터 프로덕션까지 :: To-Do, 메모앱 만들기
- Founder & Software Engineer @ NeuralAction
- CTO & Software Engineer @ Minieye
- Lead Software Engineer @ gluri ( ~ 2021.1)
- R&E Researcher @ TCEAI(Seoul National University)
- Freelancer (Web developer, UI/UX Designer)
- 20' 인공지능 온라인 경진대회 사업화 지원 (1.6억원) 선발
- 19' OpenResource Hackathon Seoul 2019 1등
- 18' 대한민국 인재상 (Talent Award of Korea) 수상
- 18' Intel International Science and Engineering Fair 대한민국 국가대표 및 Robotics and Intelligent Machines Grand Award
- 18' 제 9회 한국청소년과학창의대회(ISEF-K) 1등
- 17' 제 34회 한국정보올림피아드(KOI) 공모부분 금상
- 🍪 KakaoTalk: https://open.kakao.com/o/scgbmtZb
- 📖 Facebook : https://fb.com/kidevelop
- ⭐️ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/kidevelop/
- 👊 RocketPunch : https://www.rocketpunch.com/@kidevelop
- 🕸 Website : https://kidevelop.now.sh