
Unit test generation for the Kakoune editor with Symflower

Primary LanguageKakouneScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Symflower fully automatically generates high coverage unit tests for your source code: revealing bugs and security issues while you are coding. You can equip legacy projects with strong test suites and streamline your TDD workflow with automated test case generation to find every edge case. If you are interested in our secret sauce, take a look at our website on https://symflower.com/.

This plugin integrates Symflower CLI into the Kakoune editor (version 2019.07.01 or later), so you can generate unit tests while you write code.

Generate unit tests


  1. Install Symflower CLI

  2. Load rc/symflower.kak:

    git clone https://github.com/symflower/symflower-kakoune
    mkdir -p ~/.config/kak
    echo "source $PWD/symflower-kakoune/rc/symflower.kak" >> ~/.config/kak/kakrc

    Alternatively, use plug.kak:

    plug symflower/symflower-kakoune

Quick Start

Create a new directory and put the following file Copy.java in it:

mkdir sandbox
cd sandbox
cat > Copy.java << EOF
class Copy {
    static String[] copy(String[] from, String[] to) {
        for (int i = 0; i < from.length; i++) {
            to[i] = from[i];

        return to;
kak Copy.java -e symflower

This should write unit tests for Copy.java to CopySymflowerTest.java.

symflower-kakoune in action


  • The symflower command generates tests for source files in the current directory.
  • The symflower-unit-tests command generates tests for functions at the main selection.
  • The symflower-unit-test-skeletons command generates test skeletons for functions at the main selection:

Generate unit test skeletons

  • The symflower-alternative-file command jumps between a source file and the generated test file.

The symflower user mode gives quick access to commonly used commands:

Generate unit tests (shortcuts)

Supported Languages

  • Go 1.16
  • Java 1.8


Check out our tutorial at https://get.symflower.com/ to get a quick glimpse on how Symflower helps you implement features and fix bugs.


  • Kakoune editor (version 2019.07.01 or later)
  • Supported operating systems:


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