This app was created to help to inspire game masters, artists, and players in the endeavor of character creation and design. Each lifeform will be generated with a random backstory, physical description, and list of abilities!
- User Story
- Acceptance Criteria
- Mock-Up
- Installation
- Usage
- Dependencies
- License
- Badges
- Tests
- Questions
- Contributing
AS A game enthusiast
I WANT an alien lifeform generator
SO THAT I can create randomly generated characters that include name, backstory, features, abilities, and description
GIVEN a random alien lifeform generator
WHEN I visit the site for the first time
THEN I am presented with main page, which will allow me to either sign up or log back into my account
WHEN I am on the homepage
THEN I am able to view all of the aliens created through the website and see their name, backstory, locamotion, abilities, comment count, upvote count, and a 'See Details' button
WHEN I click 'See Details'
THEN I am presented with the specific alien's backstory, physical description, and ability descriptions
WHEN I am on an alien's specific page
THEN I am able to add a comment, see recent comments, and upvote the alien
WHEN I navigate to the 'Create Lifeform' page from the nav bar
THEN I am able to randomly generate an entire alien and customize various parts that I am unhappy with
WHEN I click 'Save Lifeform'
THEN I am directed back to the homepage and able to view my newly created alien along with all of the other generated aliens
WHEN I navigate to 'My Lifeforms' from the nav bar
THEN I am able to view only my created alien lifeforms
WHEN I click 'See Details' from the 'My Lifeforms' page
THEN I am able to delete my lifeform
WHEN I click 'About' in the nav bar
THEN I am presented with a detailed description of the project
WHEN I click 'Logout' from the nav bar
THEN I am logged out of my account and directed back to the login page
The following animation demonstrates the application functionality:
The user should clone the repository from GitHub and open up the project in their code editor.
User will need to run node.js and perform an npm install for all necessary dependencies listed below.
To run on localhost:3001, please run command npm start to start the server and control C to stop.
To visit program on Heroku, please click here.
Click me for walkthrough 👾
Login/Sign Up:
Create Alien:
Comment, Upvote, Delete Alien:
About Page:
Mobile Functionality:
Copyright © MIT. All rights reserved.
Licensed under the MIT license.
To test this project, please see the Installation section.
After the project is on your local, run npm start to start the server and open Insomnia Core to test API routes.
If you have any questions about this projects, please contact us individually via GitHub.
Aaliyah Symlar, Dustin Micklos, Ebenezer Kankam, J Scott Rumptz, & Taylor Gentry ©2021 All Rights Reserved.