Natural Selection Simulator

Programming challenge. Far from finished


Herbivore properties

Energy - How long before death - increases with each plant eatens size - decreases each step by set amount *

Size - Too powerful atm - How big it is - Disadvantage - Bigger animals move much slower - Advantage - Bigger animals can survive for longer without starving - Advantage - Bigger animals get food first.

Speed - - How fast it is (how large a move it can make) - Disadvantage - Faster animals use more energy - Advantage - Faster animals can move further

Perception - How far away can it see food - Disadvantage - Uses more energy - Advantage - Can find targets easier

Reproduction energy - How much does it need to eat to reproduce - Disadvantage - Lower values leave the creature with less energy - low resource worlds will then kill them - Advantage - Lower values mean faster reproduction

life expectancy - How long will it live for

Plant properties