Tutorial exploration of various WPF concepts. These are:
1. Customized window
2. custom textbox control
3. databindings
4. expander
5. folderbrowser dialog
6. Grid control
7. Grid splitter
8. List view
9. Message box
10. Openfile dialog
11. Custom windows
12. Reusable styles
13. scroll viewer
14. stack panel
15. styles and control templates
16. User control
17. view models
- C#
Contributions, issues and feature requests are always welcome!
I love meeting other developers, interacting and sharing.
Feel free to check the issues page.
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple example steps.
- Fork the repository
- git clone https://github.com/your_username/WPFTutorials
- git checkout develop
- git checkout -b branch name
- git remote add upstream https://github.com/symonkipkemei/WPFTutorials
- git pull upstream develop
- git commit -m "commit message"
- git push -u origin HEAD
👤 Symon Kipkemei
- Github: symonkipkemei
- Twitter: @symon_kipkemei
- LinkedIn: Symon kipkemei
Finally, if you've read this far, don't forget to give this repo a ⭐️. They're free . . . .