
Editing XML in Visual Studio Code made easy

Primary LanguageTypeScriptEclipse Public License 1.0EPL-1.0

XML Language Support by Red Hat

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This VS Code extension provides support for creating and editing XML documents, based on the LemMinX XML Language Server.

Basic features


See the changelog for the latest release.

You might also find useful information in the Online XML Documentation or you can read this documentation inside vscode with the command Open XML Document available with Ctrl+Shift+P:

XML Open Documentation


For running the binary version:

  • Windows, macOS, or Linux, on a x86_64 CPU
    • We don't make a binary specific for Apple ARM (Apple Silicon), but the x86_64 binary seems to work through the Rosetta 2 translation layer.
  • Java is not required for this version
  • The binary is automatically downloaded by vscode-xml if it is needed, with no additional action required on the part of the user.

For running the Java version (required if you want to run extensions to the base XML features):

  • Java JDK (or JRE) 8 or more recent
  • Ensure Java path is set in either:
    • xml.java.home in VSCode preferences
    • java.home in VSCode preferences
    • Environment variable JAVA_HOME or JDK_HOME
    • Note: The path should end at the parent folder that contains the bin folder. Example Path: /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0 if bin exists at /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/bin.
    • Note: If the path is not set, the extension will attempt to find the path to the JDK or JRE.

See how to set java home for more information how this extension searches for Java.

Supported VS Code settings

The following settings are supported:

  • xml.java.home: Specifies the folder path to the JDK (8 or more recent) used to launch the XML Language Server if the Java server is being run. If not set, falls back to either the java.home preference or the JAVA_HOME or JDK_HOME environment variables.
  • xml.server.vmargs: Specifies extra VM arguments used to launch the XML Language Server. Eg. use -Xmx1G -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:+UseStringDeduplication to bypass class verification, increase the heap size to 1GB and enable String deduplication with the G1 Garbage collector.
  • xml.server.workDir: Set a custom folder path for cached XML Schemas. An absolute path is expected, although the ~ prefix (for the user home directory) is supported. Default is ~/.lemminx.
  • xml.server.preferBinary: If this setting is enabled, a binary version of the server will be launched even if Java is installed.
  • xml.server.binary.path: Specify the path of a custom binary version of the XML server to use. A binary will be downloaded if this is not set.
  • xml.server.binary.args: Command line arguments to supply to the binary server when the binary server is being used. Takes into effect after relaunching VSCode. Please refer to this website for the available options. For example, you can increase the maximum memory that the server can use to 1 GB by adding -Xmx1g
  • xml.server.silenceExtensionWarning: If this setting is enabled, do not warn about launching the binary server when there are extensions to the XML language server installed.
  • xml.server.binary.trustedHashes: List of the SHA256 hashes of trusted copies of the lemminx (XML language server) binary.
  • xml.trace.server: Trace the communication between VS Code and the XML language server in the Output view. Default is off.
  • xml.logs.client: Enable/disable logging to the Output view. Default is true.
  • xml.catalogs: Register XML catalog files.
  • xml.fileAssociations: Allows XML schemas/ DTD to be associated to file name patterns.
  • xml.format.enabled: Enable/disable ability to format document. Default is true.
  • xml.format.emptyElements: Expand/collapse empty elements. Default is ignore.
  • xml.format.enforceQuoteStyle: Enforce preferred quote style (set by xml.preferences.quoteStyle) or ignore quote style when formatting. Default is ignore.
  • xml.format.joinCDATALines: Set to true to join lines in CDATA content during formatting. Default is false.
  • xml.format.joinCommentLines: Set to true to join lines in comments during formatting. Default is false.
  • xml.format.joinContentLines: Normalize the whitespace of content inside an element. Newlines and excess whitespace are removed. Default is false.
  • xml.format.preserveAttributeLineBreaks: Preserve line breaks that appear before and after attributes. Default is false. IMPORTANT: This setting is overridden if xml.format.splitAttributes is set to true.
  • xml.format.preserveEmptyContent: Preserve empty content/whitespace in a tag. Default is false.
  • xml.format.preservedNewLines: Preserve new lines that separate tags. The value represents the maximum number of new lines per section. A value of 0 removes all new lines. Default is 2.
  • xml.format.spaceBeforeEmptyCloseTag: Insert space before end of self closing tag. Example: <tag/> -> <tag />. Default is true.
  • xml.format.splitAttributes: Split multiple attributes each onto a new line. Default is false.
  • xml.format.splitAttributesIndentSize: How many levels to indent the attributes by when xml.format.splitAttributes is true. Default value is 2.
  • xml.preferences.quoteStyle: Preferred quote style to use for completion: single quotes, double quotes. Default is double.
  • xml.autoCloseTags.enabled : Enable/disable autoclosing of XML tags. Default is true. IMPORTANT: The following settings must be turned of for this to work: editor.autoClosingTags, editor.autoClosingBrackets.
  • xml.codeLens.enabled: Enable/disable XML CodeLens. Default is false.
  • xml.preferences.showSchemaDocumentationType: Specifies the source of the XML schema documentation displayed on hover and completion. Default is all.
  • xml.validation.enabled: Enable/disable all validation. Default is true.
  • xml.validation.namespaces.enabled: Enable/disable namespaces validation. Default is always. Ignored if xml.validation.enabled is set to false.
  • xml.validation.schema.enabled: Enable/disable schema based validation. Default is always. Ignored if xml.validation.enabled is set to false.
  • xml.validation.disallowDocTypeDecl: Enable/disable if a fatal error is thrown if the incoming document contains a DOCTYPE declaration. Default is false.
  • xml.validation.resolveExternalEntities: Enable/disable resolve of external entities. Default is false.
  • xml.validation.noGrammar: The message severity when a document has no associated grammar. Defaults to hint.
  • xml.symbols.enabled: Enable/disable document symbols (Outline). Default is true.
  • xml.symbols.excluded: Disable document symbols (Outline) for the given file name patterns. Updating file name patterns does not automatically reload the Outline view for the relevant file(s). Each file must either be reopened or changed, in order to trigger an Outline view reload.
  • xml.symbols.maxItemsComputed: The maximum number of outline symbols and folding regions computed (limited for performance reasons). Default is 5000.
  • xml.symbols.showReferencedGrammars: Show referenced grammars in the Outline. Default is true.
  • xml.symbols.filters: Allows XML symbols filter to be associated to file name patterns.
  • files.trimTrailingWhitespace: Now affects XML formatting. Enable/disable trailing whitespace trimming when formatting an XML document. Default is false.


Custom XML Extensions

The LemMinX - XML Language Server can be extended to support custom completion, hover, validation, rename, etc. Please see the extensions documentation for more information.


This is an open source project open to anyone. Contributions are extremely welcome!

For information on getting started, refer to the CONTRIBUTING instructions.

CI builds can be installed manually by following these instructions:

  1. Download the latest development VSIX archive from here. (vscode-xml-XXX.vsix)

  2. Go to the Extensions section in VSCode.

  3. At the top right click the ... icon.

  4. Select 'Install from VSIX...' and choose the visx file.



EPL 1.0, See LICENSE file.