
PHP class to make interacting with a database ridiculusly easy

Primary LanguagePHPGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0


This package is under development, the asynchronous parts has not been implemented or added.

The async class to make it very easy to deal with database connections.

This is an version of ezsql with async capability. In order to use the native async feature of mysql or postgresql, there needs to be an way to do other things while waiting for the database to be ready to process you request.

This package takes advantage of yield to order to produce coroutines. If you have no formulary with coroutines or generators, will need to get up to speed before even thinking about using this package.

For starters check out David Beazley: Generators: The Final Frontier - PyCon 2014 video 3:50:54, the concepts and the internals of the talk is what's taking place here.

Then after, read the readme of symmplely/coroutine package and the examples to get the feel and power of what is possible.

For an full overview of ezsql, see documentation Wiki, which is not completely finish.


composer require symplely/sql


This library will assume the developer is using some sort of IDE with intellisense enabled. The comments/doc-block area will hold any missing documentations. For additional examples see phpunit tests, The tests are fully functional integration tests, meaning the are live database tests, no mocks.

The following has been added since version 2.1.7.

General Methods

to_string($arrays, $separation = ',');
create_cache(string $path = null);
secureSetup(string $key = 'certificate.key',
    string $cert = 'certificate.crt',
    string $ca = 'cacert.pem',
    string $path = '.'._DS
createCertificate(string $privatekeyFile = certificate.key,
    string $certificateFile = certificate.crt,
    string $signingFile = certificate.csr,
    string $ssl_path = null, array $details = [commonName => localhost]

Shortcut Table Methods

create(string $table = null, ...$schemas);// $schemas requires... column()
column(string $column = null, string $type = null, ...$args);
primary(string $primaryName, ...$primaryKeys);
index(string $indexName, ...$indexKeys);
drop(string $table);


// Creates an database table
    // and with database column name, datatype
    // data types are global CONSTANTS
    // SEQUENCE|AUTO is placeholder tag, to be replaced with the proper SQL drivers auto number sequencer word.
    column('id', INTR, 11, AUTO, PRIMARY), // mysqli
    column('name', VARCHAR, 50, notNULL),
    column('email', CHAR, 25, NULLS),
    column('phone', TINYINT)

innerJoin(string $leftTable = null, string $rightTable = null,
    string $leftColumn = null, string $rightColumn = null, string $tableAs = null, $condition = EQ);

leftJoin(string $leftTable = null, string $rightTable = null,
    string $leftColumn = null, string $rightColumn = null, string $tableAs = null, $condition = EQ);

rightJoin(string $leftTable = null, string $rightTable = null,
    string $leftColumn = null, string $rightColumn = null, string $tableAs = null, $condition = EQ);

fullJoin(string $leftTable = null, string $rightTable = null,
    string $leftColumn = null, string $rightColumn = null, string $tableAs = null, $condition = EQ);

prepareOn(); // When activated will use prepare statements for all shortcut SQL Methods calls.
prepareOff(); // When off shortcut SQL Methods calls will use vendors escape routine instead. This is the default behavior.

Shortcut SQL Methods

  • having(...$having);
  • groupBy($groupBy);
  • union(string $table = null, $columnFields = '*', ...$conditions);
  • unionAll(string $table = null, $columnFields = '*', ...$conditions);
  • orderBy($orderBy, $order);
  • limit($numberOf, $offset = null)
  • where( ...$whereConditions);
  • selecting(string $table = null, $columnFields = '*', ...$conditions);
  • create_select(string $newTable, $fromColumns, $oldTable = null, ...$conditions);
  • select_into(string $newTable, $fromColumns, $oldTable = null, ...$conditions);
  • update(string $table = null, $keyAndValue, ...$whereConditions);
  • delete(string $table = null, ...$whereConditions);
  • replace(string $table = null, $keyAndValue);
  • insert(string $table = null, $keyAndValue);
  • insert_select(string $toTable = null, $toColumns = '*', $fromTable = null, $fromColumns = '*', ...$conditions);
// The variadic ...$whereConditions, and ...$conditions parameters,
//  represent the following global functions.
// They are comparison expressions returning an array with the given arguments,
//  the last arguments of _AND, _OR, _NOT, _andNOT will combine expressions
eq('column', $value, _AND), // combine next expression
neq('column', $value, _OR), // will combine next expression again
ne('column', $value), // the default is _AND so will combine next expression
lt('column', $value)
lte('column', $value)
gt('column', $value)
gte('column', $value)
like('column', '_%?')
notLike('column', '_%?')
in('column', ...$value)
notIn('column', ...$value)
between('column', $value, $value2)
notBetween('column', $value, $value2)
// The above should be used within the where( ...$whereConditions) clause
// $value will protected by either using escape or prepare statement
// Supply the the whole query string, and placing '?' within
// With the same number of arguments in an array.
// It will determine arguments type, execute, and return results.
query_prepared(string $query_string, array $param_array);
// Will need to call to get last successful query result, will return an object array

Example for using prepare statements indirectly, with above shortcut SQL methods

// To get all shortcut SQL methods calls to use prepare statements
$db->prepareOn(); // This needs to be called at least once at instance creation

$values = [];
$values['name'] = $user;
$values['email'] = $address;
$values['phone'] = $number;
$db->insert('profile', $values);
$db->insert('profile', ['name' => 'john john', 'email' => 'john@email', 'phone' => 123456]);

// returns result set given the table name, column fields, and ...conditions
$result = $db->selecting('profile', 'phone', eq('email', $email), between('id', 1, $values));

foreach ($result as $row) {
    echo $row->phone;

$result = $db->selecting('profile', 'name, email',
    // Conditionals can also be called, stacked with other functions like:
    //  innerJoin(), leftJoin(), rightJoin(), fullJoin()
    //      as (leftTable, rightTable, leftColumn, rightColumn, tableAs, equal condition),
    //  where( eq( columns, values, _AND ), like( columns, _d ) ),
    //  groupBy( columns ),
    //  having( between( columns, values1, values2 ) ),
    //  orderBy( columns, desc ),
    //  limit( numberOfRecords, offset ),
    //  union(table, columnFields, conditions),
    //  unionAll(table, columnFields, conditions)
    $db->where( eq('phone', $number, _OR), neq('id', 5) ),
    //  another way: where( array(key, operator, value, combine, combineShifted) );
    //  or as strings double spaced: where( "key  operator  value  combine  combineShifted" );

foreach ($result as $row) {
    echo $row->name.' '.$row->email;

Example for using prepare statements directly, no shortcut SQL methods used

$db->query_prepared('INSERT INTO profile( name, email, phone) VALUES( ?, ?, ? );', [$user, $address, $number]);

$db->query_prepared('SELECT name, email FROM profile WHERE phone = ? OR id != ?', [$number, 5]);
$result = $db->queryResult(); // the last query that has results are stored in `last_result` protected property

foreach ($result as $row) {
    echo $row->name.' '.$row->email;

For Authors and Contributors


Contributions are encouraged and welcome; I am always happy to get feedback or pull requests on Github :) Create Github Issues for bugs and new features and comment on the ones you are interested in.


ezsql is open-sourced software licensed originally under (LGPL-3.0), and the addon parts under (MIT).