Coding Standard rules for PHP projects with focus on Clean Architecture
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Directions on how to use this with CS Fixer
#56 opened by mdk999 - 5
How to use with php-cs-fixer without ECS
#52 opened by lyrixx - 0
`ParamReturnAndVarTagMalformsFixer` doesn't work nice with nested array in multi-line doc-block
#49 opened by annuh - 0
[BUG] MethodChainingNewLineFixer: incorrectly aligns parameter of chained method result
#47 opened by elkhasa - 1
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StandaloneLinePromotedPropertyFixer only applies if there are at least two properties
#43 opened by gnutix - 0
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[DEPENDENCY] replacing squizlabs/php_codesniffer with phpcsstandards/php_codesniffer
#34 opened by arderyp - 0
[PHP 8.2] Undefined constant "Symplify\CodingStandard\TokenAnalyzer\T_OPEN_CURLY_BRACKET"
#23 opened by ruudk - 2
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Support new PER Coding Standard
#19 opened by internalsystemerror - 3
Add Utf8 support for LineLengthFixer
#17 opened by avdeev-ms - 1
PHP7 Sniffs
#5 opened by TomasVotruba - 1
Sniff tip: prefer multiline key-based arrays
#4 opened by TomasVotruba - 0
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