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Prison register data

Data for an alpha prison register, a list of parts of the Prison Estate in England and Wales, including public and contracted prisons, NOMS Immigration Removal Centres operated on behalf of the Home Office and Secure Training Centre.

Data for register Active count Closed count Total distinct prison count
prison 121 30 151

Address Data


What is a prison?

A prison in the data is an administrative prison. These are the prisons as reported in the prison annual performance ratings.

In some systems, for example NOMIS (an internal system in the National Offender Management Service), a prison is based on location.

A jointly-managed prison in the data for registers can be recorded as more than one prison in the NOMIS system. For example, here's register data and nomis data compared for two jointly-managed prison:

prison name nomis-codes nomis-names
UK HMP Usk and HMP/YOI Prescoed UKI
GN HMP Grendon/Spring Hill GNI

Prison data

Here is an example of the fields in the prison data for registers:

Field Value
prison AC
name HMP/YOI Altcourse
operator company:02984969
address 38076557


Maps assist in the translation of existing codes and names to register records:

Map Fields
contracted-out Prison name from National Offender Management Service (NOMS) spend over £25,000 data
designation-to-name-affix Prison designation to prefix and suffix used in prison name
hmi HM Inspectorate of Prisons name for prison in inspection reports
nomis-code NOMIS three letter code
prison-estate Prison name from NOMS prisons and their resettlement providers list
prison-finder Prison name from prison finder digital service
prison-map-prison Prison name from prison map PDF on prison finder site


The data has been compiled from existing lists of prisons found in a number of different government datasets:

List Source Count
prison-estate Prisons from National Offender Management Service (NOMS) prisons and their resettlement providers list 121
prison-map Prisons from prison map PDF on prison finder site 123
prison-finder Prisons from prison finder digital service 124
nomis-codes Prison NOMIS establishment codes and names taken from the current production database on 16 Jan 2017 128
noms-codes LIDS and NOMIS codes extracted from prison codes PDF file from custodian 153
legal-aid-agency Prisons from Guidance for Reporting Crime Lower Work PDF published on gov.uk 141
prison-performance-stats-2016 Prison list from prison annual performance ratings 2015-2016 published on gov.uk. 118
prison-visits Prisons scraped from Prison Visits booking digital service 110
contracted-out Prison names and supplier names sourced from NOMS spend data files 14
former-prisons Manually created from various sources - end dates found from various sources including HMI reports 30


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The data is © Crown copyright and available under the terms of the Open Government 3.0 licence.