
Render pxtone projects (.ptcop & .pttune)

Primary LanguageC++


Render pxtone projects.

Usage: pxtone-renderer [options] file(s)...
By default, the provided files will be rendered as .wav to your working directory.
  --format, -f        [OGG, WAV, FLAC]    Encode data to this format.
  --fadein            [seconds]           Specify song fade in time.
  --loop, -l          Loop the song this many times.
  --loop-separately   Separate the song into 'intro' and 'loop' files.

  --output, -o   If 1 file is being rendered, place the resulting file here.
                 If multiple are being rendered, put them in this directory.

  --help, -h     Show this dialog.
  --quiet, -q    Omit info & warning messages from console output.


  • C++17
  • CMake
  • Ogg
  • Vorbis
  • FLAC
  • libsndfile

No C++ bindings required for any of the libraries.

For convenience, all of the libraries are available as git submodules in the extern directory.


CMake must be able to find all the libraries within its search paths. After the prerequisites are met, the following should be fine:

cmake -B ./build -S ./ && cmake --build ./build


  • OPNA2608; big endian fixes, CI, testing
  • Sidedishes; testing
  • Clownacy; bugfixes in pxtone, testing
  • SlightlyIntelligentMonkey; testing
  • Xiph.org; Ogg, Vorbis and FLAC
  • Studio Pixel; pxtone
  • libsndfile guys