In eeschema, add "symbols" files to KiCad's "Preferences->Component Libraries":
Note: these settings are stored in the project (.pro) file, so this step is required for each new project.
- Add the local symbols directory path to the search path list. (use absolute, not relative path)
- Add all the library files in the symbols* directory.
Copy master KiCad footprint libraries from GitHub to a local directory:
Note: This step brings all libraries local. We'll use the "PCB Library Tables" dialog, which configures a global KiCad config file called fp-lib-table. (see path at top of dialog)
Note: This file (fp-lib-table) is cached by KiCad, so after editing you'll need to completely exit all KiCad programs and re-launch to see the changes consistently across tools.
- Open the "PCB Footprint Editor" and select "Preferences->Footprint Libraries Manager".
- Remove all the default ('github' plugin) libraries.
- Choose "Append with Wizard" and select 'Github repository' option, saving a local copy to our "kicad_libs/footprints/kicad" directory.
- Select all libraries from GitHub, and add to global library configuration. This will download all libraries to our local directory.
Add user footprint libraries (still in Footprint Libraries Manager):
- Choose "Append with Wizard", and select local library directories in "kicad_libs/footprints/***.pretty"
- Using this dialog, add "Synapse" and "Added" libraries to global configuration
Add link to local 3D packages
Note: Each footprint file can include a path to its 3D model. This can be specified relative to the KISYS3DMOD environment variable, which we'll leave at default to use the pre-installed 3D packages referenced by the master footprint library. Since the relative path seems to only support directories below KISYS3DMOD, we will place our local packages under this path.
- Make a symlink called "local" under the default KISYS3DMOD directory, pointing to our local 3D library. Ex: C:\Program Files\KiCad\share\kicad\modules\packages3d>mklink /D local C:\HardwareDev\kicad_libs\packages3d
In eeschema, select BOM generator plugin:
Note: When you generate a netlist, KiCad creates an XML file in your project directory which has all the information needed to create the BOM. The BOM dialog in eeschema lets you select a 'plugin' to process this XML file, typically into a CSV output format.
- Open the BOM dialog, and select "Add Plugin".
- Browse to local library and choose "kicad_libs/scripts/bom-in-python/bom_csv_grouped_by_value.py"
- In the "Command Line" input box, append .csv to the command string. Should end with "%O".csv