
Poorman's dropdown terminal for usage on i3wm

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

What it is?

  • Replacement for heavy-weight drop-down terminals like Guake/Terminator
  • Simple python script which uses ..* gnome-terminal to set it own app id and class ..* i3wm to autostart and workspace and key binding assignment

What it isn't?

  • Full replacement of drop-down terminals
  • Ambitious project

Why I did it?

See the same section of my previous kickterm project


How to use it?

To fully enjoy it add the following into your i3 config file (e.g. ~/.config/i3/config):

assign [class="Kickterm"] _
exec --no-startup-id /home/xy/SomeStuff/kickterm-i3/run.py

bindsym $mod+slash workspace _
workspace_auto_back_and_forth yes