✅ [2024/07/25] Visual PEFT Benchmark starts releasing dataset, code, etc.
✅ [2024/06/20] Visual PEFT Benchmark homepage is created.
✅ [2024/06/01] Visual PEFT Benchmark repo is created.
Parameter-efficient transfer learning (PETL) methods show promise in adapting a pre-trained model to various downstream tasks while training only a few parameters. In the computer vision (CV) domain, numerous PETL algorithms have been proposed, but their direct employment or comparison remains inconvenient. To address this challenge, we construct a Unified Visual PETL Benchmark (V-PETL Bench) for the CV domain by selecting 30 diverse, challenging, and comprehensive datasets from image recognition, video action recognition, and dense prediction tasks. On these datasets, we systematically evaluate 25 dominant PETL algorithms and open-source a modular and extensible codebase for a fair evaluation of these algorithms.
Fine-Grained Visual Classification tasks (FGVC)
FGVC comprises 5 fine-grained visual classification dataset. The datasets can be downloaded following the official links. We split the training data if the public validation set is not available. The splitted dataset can be found here: Download Link.
Visual Task Adaptation Benchmark (VTAB)
VTAB comprises 19 diverse visual classification datasets. We have processed all the dataset and the data can be downloaded here: Download Link. For specific processing procedures and tips, please see VTAB_SETUP.
Download the dataset from Download Link or Download Link.
Preprocess the dataset by resizing the short edge of video to 320px. You can refer to MMAction2 Data Benchmark.
Generate annotations needed for dataloader ("<video_id> <video_class>" in annotations). The annotation usually includes
. The format of*.csv
file is like:video_1.mp4 label_1 video_2.mp4 label_2 video_3.mp4 label_3 ... video_N.mp4 label_N
Something-Something V2 (SSv2)
Download the dataset from Download Link.
Preprocess the dataset by changing the video extension from
with the original height of 240px. You can refer to MMAction2 Data Benchmark. -
Generate annotations needed for dataloader ("<video_id> <video_class>" in annotations). The annotation usually includes
. The format of*.csv
file is like:video_1.mp4 label_1 video_2.mp4 label_2 video_3.mp4 label_3 ... video_N.mp4 label_N
MS-COCO are available from this Download Link.
The training and validation set of ADE20K could be download from this Download Link. We may also download test set from Download Link.
Pascal VOC 2012 could be downloaded from Download Link. Beside, most recent works on Pascal VOC dataset usually exploit extra augmentation data, which could be found Download Link.
- Download and place the ViT-B/16 pretrained model to
mkdir pretrained_models
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/vit_models/imagenet21k/ViT-B_16.npz
- or you can download Swin-B pretrained model. Note that you also need to rename the downloaded Swin-B ckpt from
mkdir pretrained_models
wget https://github.com/SwinTransformer/storage/releases/download/v1.0.0/swin_base_patch4_window7_224_22k.pth
mv swin_base_patch4_window7_224_22k.pth Swin_B_16.pth
- Another way is to download pretrained models from below link and put it in
Pre-trained Backbone | Pre-trained Objective | Pre-trained Dataset | Checkpoint |
ViT-B/16 | Supervised | ImageNet-21K | Download Link |
ViT-L/16 | Supervised | ImageNet-21K | Download Link |
ViT-H/16 | Supervised | ImageNet-21K | Download Link |
Swin-B | Supervised | ImageNet-22K | Download Link |
Swin-L | Supervised | ImageNet-22K | Download Link |
ViT-B (VideoMAE) | Self-Supervised | Kinetics-400 | Download Link |
Video Swin-B | Supervised | Kinetics-400 | Download Link |
: handles config parameters for the experiments.-
: main config setups for experiments and explanation for each of dataset. -
: loading and setup input datasets.-
: Image transformations. -
: Constructs the data loader for the given dataset.
: handles backbone archs and heads for different fine-tuning protocols-
: a folder contains the same backbones invit_backbones
folder, specified for Adapter. -
: a folder contains the same backbones invit_backbones
folder, specified for SCT. -
: a folder contains thetraining file
: call this one for training and eval a model with a specified transfer type, specified for Adapter. -
: call this one for training and eval a model with a specified transfer type, specified for SCT. -
: a folder contains thescripts file
: You can run the Adapter method on all datasets at once. -
: You can run the Adapter method on all datasets at once. -
: Visualization Tools.-
: Attention map visualization. -
: T-SNE visualization.
: Create logger, Set seed, etc.
❗️Note❗️: If you want to create your own PETL algorithm, pay attention to `ImageClassification/models`.
This is an example of how to set up V-PETL Bench locally.
To get a local copy up, running follow these simple example steps.
git clone https://github.com/synbol/Parameter-Efficient-Transfer-Learning-Benchmark.git
V-PETL Bench is built on pytorch, with torchvision, torchaudio, and timm, etc.
- To install the required packages, you can create a conda environment.
conda create --name v-petl-bench python=3.8
- Activate conda environment.
conda activate v-petl-bench
- Use pip to install required packages.
cd Parameter-Efficient-Transfer-Learning-Benchmark
pip install -r requirements.txt
- We provide a specific training and evaluation demo, taking LoRA on VTAB Cifar100 as an example.
import sys
import torch
from ImageClassification import utils
from ImageClassification.dataloader import vtab
from ImageClassification.train import train
# get lora methods
from timm.scheduler.cosine_lr import CosineLRScheduler
from ImageClassification.models import vision_transformer_lora
import timm
# path to save model and logs
exp_base_path = '../output'
# create logger
logger = utils.create_logger(log_path=exp_base_path, log_name='training')
# dataset config parameter
config = utils.get_config('model_lora', 'vtab', 'cifar100')
# get vtab dataset
data_path = '/home/ma-user/work/haozhe/synbol/vtab-1k'
train_dl, test_dl = vtab.get_data(data_path, 'cifar100', logger, evaluate=False, train_aug=config['train_aug'], batch_size=config['batch_size'])
# get pretrained model
model = timm.models.create_model('vit_base_patch16_224_in21k_lora', checkpoint_path='./released_models/ViT-B_16.npz', drop_path_rate=0.1, tuning_mode='lora')
# training parameters
trainable = []
for n, p in model.named_parameters():
if 'linear_a' in n or 'linear_b' in n or 'head' in n:
p.requires_grad = False
opt = torch.optim.AdamW(trainable, lr=1e-4, weight_decay=5e-2)
scheduler = CosineLRScheduler(opt, t_initial=config['epochs'], warmup_t=config['warmup_epochs'], lr_min=1e-5, warmup_lr_init=1e-6, cycle_decay = 0.1)
# crossEntropyLoss function
criterion = torch.nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
# training
model = train.train(config, model, criterion, train_dl, opt, scheduler, logger, config['epochs'], 'vtab', 'cifar100')
# evaluation
eval_acc = train.test(model, test_dl, 'vtab')
- You can train with a PETL algorithm on a dataset.
python python train/train_model_sct.py --dataset cifar100 --task vtab --lr 0.012 --wd 0.6 --eval True --dpr 0.1 --tuning_mode $tuning_mode --model_type $model_type --model $model --model_checkpoint $model_checkpoint
- or you can train with a PETL algorithm on all dataset
bash scripts/run_model_sct.sh
We evaluate 13 PETL algorithms on five datasets with ViT-B/16 models pre-trained on ImageNet-21K.
To obtain the checkpoint, please download it at Download Link.
Method | CUB-200-2011 | NABirds | Oxford Flowers | Stanford Dogs | Stanford Cars | Mean | Params. | PPT |
Full fine-tuning | 87.3 | 82.7 | 98.8 | 89.4 | 84.5 | 88.54 | 85.8M | - |
Linear probing | 85.3 | 75.9 | 97.9 | 86.2 | 51.3 | 79.32 | 0 M | 0.79 |
Adapter | 87.1 | 84.3 | 98.5 | 89.8 | 68.6 | 85.66 | 0.41M | 0.84 |
AdaptFormer | 88.4 | 84.7 | 99.2 | 88.2 | 81.9 | 88.48 | 0.46M | 0.87 |
Prefix Tuning | 87.5 | 82.0 | 98.0 | 74.2 | 90.2 | 86.38 | 0.36M | 0.85 |
U-Tuning | 89.2 | 85.4 | 99.2 | 84.1 | 92.1 | 90.00 | 0.36M | 0.89 |
BitFit | 87.7 | 85.2 | 99.2 | 86.5 | 81.5 | 88.02 | 0.10M | 0.88 |
VPT-Shallow | 86.7 | 78.8 | 98.4 | 90.7 | 68.7 | 84.66 | 0.25M | 0.84 |
VPT-Deep | 88.5 | 84.2 | 99.0 | 90.2 | 83.6 | 89.10 | 0.85M | 0.86 |
SSF | 89.5 | 85.7 | 99.6 | 89.6 | 89.2 | 90.72 | 0.39M | 0.89 |
LoRA | 85.6 | 79.8 | 98.9 | 87.6 | 72.0 | 84.78 | 0.77M | 0.82 |
GPS | 89.9 | 86.7 | 99.7 | 92.2 | 90.4 | 91.78 | 0.66M | 0.90 |
HST | 89.2 | 85.8 | 99.6 | 89.5 | 88.2 | 90.46 | 0.78M | 0.88 |
LAST | 88.5 | 84.4 | 99.7 | 86.0 | 88.9 | 89.50 | 0.66M | 0.87 |
SNF | 90.2 | 87.4 | 99.7 | 89.5 | 86.9 | 90.74 | 0.25M | 0.90 |
Benchmark results on VTAB. We evaluate 18 PETL algorithms on 19 datasets with ViT-B/16 models pre-trained on ImageNet-21K.
To obtain the checkpoint, please download it at Download Link.
Method | CIFAR-100 | Caltech101 | DTD | Flowers102 | Pets | SVHN | Sun397 | Patch Camelyon | EuroSAT | Resisc45 | Retinopathy | Clevr/count | Clevr/distance | DMLab | KITTI/distance | dSprites/loc | dSprites/ori | SmallNORB/azi | SmallNORB/ele | Mean | Params. | PPT |
Full fine-tuning | 68.9 | 87.7 | 64.3 | 97.2 | 86.9 | 87.4 | 38.8 | 79.7 | 95.7 | 84.2 | 73.9 | 56.3 | 58.6 | 41.7 | 65.5 | 57.5 | 46.7 | 25.7 | 29.1 | 65.57 | 85.8M | - |
Linear probing | 63.4 | 85.0 | 63.2 | 97.0 | 86.3 | 36.6 | 51.0 | 78.5 | 87.5 | 68.6 | 74.0 | 34.3 | 30.6 | 33.2 | 55.4 | 12.5 | 20.0 | 9.6 | 19.2 | 52.94 | 0M | 0.53 |
Adapter | 69.2 | 90.1 | 68.0 | 98.8 | 89.9 | 82.8 | 54.3 | 84.0 | 94.9 | 81.9 | 75.5 | 80.9 | 65.3 | 48.6 | 78.3 | 74.8 | 48.5 | 29.9 | 41.6 | 71.44 | 0.16M | 0.71 |
VPT-Shallow | 77.7 | 86.9 | 62.6 | 97.5 | 87.3 | 74.5 | 51.2 | 78.2 | 92.0 | 75.6 | 72.9 | 50.5 | 58.6 | 40.5 | 67.1 | 68.7 | 36.1 | 20.2 | 34.1 | 64.85 | 0.08M | 0.65 |
VPT-Deep | 78.8 | 90.8 | 65.8 | 98.0 | 88.3 | 78.1 | 49.6 | 81.8 | 96.1 | 83.4 | 68.4 | 68.5 | 60.0 | 46.5 | 72.8 | 73.6 | 47.9 | 32.9 | 37.8 | 69.43 | 0.56M | 0.68 |
BitFit | 72.8 | 87.0 | 59.2 | 97.5 | 85.3 | 59.9 | 51.4 | 78.7 | 91.6 | 72.9 | 69.8 | 61.5 | 55.6 | 32.4 | 55.9 | 66.6 | 40.0 | 15.7 | 25.1 | 62.05 | 0.10M | 0.61 |
LoRA | 67.1 | 91.4 | 69.4 | 98.8 | 90.4 | 85.3 | 54.0 | 84.9 | 95.3 | 84.4 | 73.6 | 82.9 | 69.2 | 49.8 | 78.5 | 75.7 | 47.1 | 31.0 | 44.0 | 72.25 | 0.29M | 0.71 |
AdaptFormer | 70.8 | 91.2 | 70.5 | 99.1 | 90.9 | 86.6 | 54.8 | 83.0 | 95.8 | 84.4 | 76.3 | 81.9 | 64.3 | 49.3 | 80.3 | 76.3 | 45.7 | 31.7 | 41.1 | 72.32 | 0.16M | 0.72 |
SSF | 69.0 | 92.6 | 75.1 | 99.4 | 91.8 | 90.2 | 52.9 | 87.4 | 95.9 | 87.4 | 75.5 | 75.9 | 62.3 | 53.3 | 80.6 | 77.3 | 54.9 | 29.5 | 37.9 | 73.10 | 0.21M | 0.72 |
NOAH | 69.6 | 92.7 | 70.2 | 99.1 | 90.4 | 86.1 | 53.7 | 84.4 | 95.4 | 83.9 | 75.8 | 82.8 | 68.9 | 49.9 | 81.7 | 81.8 | 48.3 | 32.8 | 44.2 | 73.25 | 0.43M | 0.72 |
SCT | 75.3 | 91.6 | 72.2 | 99.2 | 91.1 | 91.2 | 55.0 | 85.0 | 96.1 | 86.3 | 76.2 | 81.5 | 65.1 | 51.7 | 80.2 | 75.4 | 46.2 | 33.2 | 45.7 | 73.59 | 0.11M | 0.73 |
FacT | 70.6 | 90.6 | 70.8 | 99.1 | 90.7 | 88.6 | 54.1 | 84.8 | 96.2 | 84.5 | 75.7 | 82.6 | 68.2 | 49.8 | 80.7 | 80.8 | 47.4 | 33.2 | 43.0 | 73.23 | 0.07M | 0.73 |
RepAdapter | 72.4 | 91.6 | 71.0 | 99.2 | 91.4 | 90.7 | 55.1 | 85.3 | 95.9 | 84.6 | 75.9 | 82.3 | 68.0 | 50.4 | 79.9 | 80.4 | 49.2 | 38.6 | 41.0 | 73.84 | 0.22M | 0.72 |
Hydra | 72.7 | 91.3 | 72.0 | 99.2 | 91.4 | 90.7 | 55.5 | 85.8 | 96.0 | 86.1 | 75.9 | 83.2 | 68.2 | 50.9 | 82.3 | 80.3 | 50.8 | 34.5 | 43.1 | 74.21 | 0.28M | 0.73 |
LST | 59.5 | 91.5 | 69.0 | 99.2 | 89.9 | 79.5 | 54.6 | 86.9 | 95.9 | 85.3 | 74.1 | 81.8 | 61.8 | 52.2 | 81.0 | 71.7 | 49.5 | 33.7 | 45.2 | 71.70 | 2.38M | 0.65 |
DTL | 69.6 | 94.8 | 71.3 | 99.3 | 91.3 | 83.3 | 56.2 | 87.1 | 96.2 | 86.1 | 75.0 | 82.8 | 64.2 | 48.8 | 81.9 | 93.9 | 53.9 | 34.2 | 47.1 | 74.58 | 0.04M | 0.75 |
HST | 76.7 | 94.1 | 74.8 | 99.6 | 91.1 | 91.2 | 52.3 | 87.1 | 96.3 | 88.6 | 76.5 | 85.4 | 63.7 | 52.9 | 81.7 | 87.2 | 56.8 | 35.8 | 52.1 | 75.99 | 0.78M | 0.74 |
GPS | 81.1 | 94.2 | 75.8 | 99.4 | 91.7 | 91.6 | 52.4 | 87.9 | 96.2 | 86.5 | 76.5 | 79.9 | 62.6 | 55.0 | 82.4 | 84.0 | 55.4 | 29.7 | 46.1 | 75.18 | 0.22M | 0.74 |
LAST | 66.7 | 93.4 | 76.1 | 99.6 | 89.8 | 86.1 | 54.3 | 86.2 | 96.3 | 86.8 | 75.4 | 81.9 | 65.9 | 49.4 | 82.6 | 87.9 | 46.7 | 32.3 | 51.5 | 74.15 | 0.66M | 0.72 |
SNF | 84.0 | 94.0 | 72.7 | 99.3 | 91.3 | 90.3 | 54.9 | 87.2 | 97.3 | 85.5 | 74.5 | 82.3 | 63.8 | 49.8 | 82.5 | 75.8 | 49.2 | 31.4 | 42.1 | 74.10 | 0.25M | 0.73 |
Benchmark results on SSv2 and HMDB51. We evaluate 5 PETL algorithms with ViT-B from VideoMAE and Video Swin Transformer.
To obtain the checkpoint, please download it at Download Link.
Method | Model | Pre-training | Params. | SSv2 (Top1) | SSv2 (PPT) | HMDB51 (Top1) | HMDB51 (PPT) |
Full fine-tuning | ViT-B | Kinetics 400 | 85.97 M | 53.97% | - | 46.41% | - |
Frozen | ViT-B | Kinetics 400 | 0 M | 29.23% | 0.29 | 49.84% | 0.50 |
AdaptFormer | ViT-B | Kinetics 400 | 1.19 M | 59.02% | 0.56 | 55.69% | 0.53 |
BAPAT | ViT-B | Kinetics 400 | 2.06 M | 57.78% | 0.53 | 57.18% | 0.53 |
Full fine-tuning | Video Swin-B | Kinetics 400 | 87.64 M | 50.99% | - | 68.07% | - |
Frozen | Video Swin-B | Kinetics 400 | 0 M | 24.13% | 0.24 | 71.28% | 0.71 |
LoRA | Video Swin-B | Kinetics 400 | 0.75 M | 38.34% | 0.37 | 62.12% | 0.60 |
BitFit | Video Swin-B | Kinetics 400 | 1.09 M | 45.94% | 0.44 | 68.26% | 0.65 |
AdaptFormer | Video Swin-B | Kinetics 400 | 1.56 M | 40.80% | 0.38 | 68.66% | 0.64 |
Prefix-tuning | Video Swin-B | Kinetics 400 | 6.37 M | 39.46% | 0.32 | 56.13% | 0.45 |
BAPAT | Video Swin-B | Kinetics 400 | 6.18 M | 53.36% | 0.43 | 71.93% | 0.58 |
Benchmark results on COCO. We evaluate 9 PETL algorithms with Swin-B models pre-trained on ImageNet-22K.
To obtain the checkpoint, please download it at Coming Soon.
Swin-B | Params. | Memory | COCO ( |
Full fine-tuning | 86.75 M | 17061 MB | 51.9% | - | 45.0% | - |
Frozen | 0.00 M | 7137 MB | 43.5% | 0.44 | 38.6% | 0.39 |
Bitfit | 0.20 M | 13657 MB | 47.9% | 0.47 | 41.9% | 0.42 |
LN TUNE | 0.06 M | 12831 MB | 48.0% | 0.48 | 41.4% | 0.41 |
Partial-1 | 12.60 M | 7301 MB | 49.2% | 0.35 | 42.8% | 0.30 |
Adapter | 3.11 M | 12557 MB | 50.9% | 0.45 | 43.8% | 0.39 |
LoRA | 3.03 M | 11975 MB | 51.2% | 0.46 | 44.3% | 0.40 |
AdaptFormer | 3.11 M | 13186 MB | 51.4% | 0.46 | 44.5% | 0.40 |
LoRand | 1.20 M | 13598 MB | 51.0% | 0.49 | 43.9% | 0.42 |
E$^3$VA | 1.20 M | 7639 MB | 50.5% | 0.48 | 43.8% | 0.42 |
Mona | 4.16 M | 13996 MB | 53.4% | 0.46 | 46.0% | 0.40 |
Benchmark results on PASCAL VOC and ADE20K. We evaluate 9 PETL algorithms with Swin-L models pre-trained on ImageNet-22K.
To obtain the checkpoint, please download it at Coming Soon.
Swin-L | Params. | Memory (VOC) | Pascal VOC ( |
Pascal VOC (PPT) | ADE20K ( |
ADE20K (PPT) |
Full fine-tuning | 198.58 M | 15679 MB | 83.5% | - | 52.10% | - |
Frozen | 0.00 M | 3967 MB | 83.6% | 0.84 | 46.84% | 0.47 |
Bitfit | 0.30 M | 10861 MB | 85.7% | 0.85 | 48.37% | 0.48 |
LN TUNE | 0.09 M | 10123 MB | 85.8% | 0.86 | 47.98% | 0.48 |
Partial-1 | 28.34 M | 3943 MB | 85.4% | 0.48 | 47.44% | 0.27 |
Adapter | 4.66 M | 10793 MB | 87.1% | 0.74 | 50.78% | 0.43 |
LoRA | 4.57 M | 10127 MB | 87.5% | 0.74 | 50.34% | 0.43 |
AdaptFormer | 4.66 M | 11036 MB | 87.3% | 0.74 | 50.83% | 0.43 |
LoRand | 1.31 M | 11572 MB | 86.8% | 0.82 | 50.76% | 0.48 |
E$^3$VA | 1.79 M | 4819 MB | 86.5% | 0.81 | 49.64% | 0.46 |
Mona | 5.08 M | 11958 MB | 87.3% | 0.73 | 51.36% | 0.43 |
The V-PETL Bench community is maintained by:
Yi Xin (xinyi@smail.nju.edu.cn), Nanjing University.
Siqi Luo (siqiluo@smail.nju.edu.cn), Shanghai Jiao Tong University.
- If you find our survey and repository useful for your research, please cite it below:
title={V-PETL Bench: A Unified Visual Parameter-Efficient Transfer Learning Benchmark},
author={Yi Xin, Siqi Luo, Xuyang Liu, Haodi Zhou, Xinyu Cheng, Christina Luoluo Lee, Junlong Du, Yuntao Du., Haozhe Wang, MingCai Chen, Ting Liu, Guimin Hu, Zhongwei Wan, Rongchao Zhang, Aoxue Li, Mingyang Yi, Xiaohong Liu},