
Primary LanguageRust

Example Implementation of a Hexagonal Architecture in Rust

This is the companion code to the eBook Get Your Hands Dirty on Clean Architecture.

It implements a domain-centric "Hexagonal" approach of a common web application with Rust.

Companion Articles


  • Rust Nightly (needed for our test mocks on Struct functions)

Rust nightly

rustup toolchain install nightly

cd buckpal;
rustup override set nightly


# run docker locally (only have to do this once)
brew install postgres
brew services start postgres

Postgres Migrations

cargo install sqlx-cli --git https://github.com/launchbadge/sqlx.git --no-default-features --features postgres

# make sure database is created then
sqlx migrate run

# to create a new migration
sqlx migrate add your_migration_name
sqlx migrate run

#also create test database
createdb buckpal_test
DATABASE_URL=postgres://localhost/buckpal_test sqlx migrate run