
C'est le dépôt des données de mon mémoire de M2.

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Master 2 Thesis



This repository contains most files used to prepare my Master’s thesis.

This is a work in progress!




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These files are distributed in the hope that they will be useful, but without any warranty; without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

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Copyright © SYNC0 2018.

File Structure

I have organized all work (planing, research, and writing) in these files:


This is the file you are reading now; it describes the contents of my Master’s thesis git repository.


This file (not included in the repository) is a collection of task lists used for planning and scheduling.


This file (not included in the repository) contains my research notes.

Most entries are produced automatically with John Kitchin’s Emacs package org-ref and a bibliography file, master.bib, maintained with Mendeley.

For details, please look at my Emacs’ configuration. And, excuse me for the chaos therein.


This file is the final version of my Master’s thesis; it is the source code that produces the pdf.

I only used this file to prepare what would be the final version of the thesis. For all other notes, l used the memoire_draft.org.

Since I use git for version control, I could dispense with the list of files titled draft 1, draft 2, ad nauseam. Instead, I tagged certain commits as “drafts”.


This file contains most of the preparatory notes. So, it is not an actual draft, but a collection of intermediary writings before the preparation of the first draft of the thesis.


This file is a collection of all my research notes; it is organized by day and by week.


This file is a “travel log” to track the development of the thesis.

I was inspired to create this file by a chapter of Bernard Lahire’s Tableaux de famille: Heurs et malheurs scolaires en milieux populaires that discussed the importance of writing as a reflexive activity. I believe it is important to constantly write down one’s thoughts to imbue the text—that ineffable entity—with personality. Writing without personality (i.e., most writing) is not worth reading. And, writing that is not worth reading is absolutely demoralizing.


Text Editor

I used Emacs’ Org mode to plan, draft, and write the thesis. If the source code interests you, visit the org files.

Using the org exporter, I exported the org files into LaTeX, and then into pdfs.

Bibliography Management

I used Mendeley to maintain a bibliography file called master.bib.


I used LaTeX’s KOMA Script class scrbook.


I only used non-proprietary fonts: The main font is Linux Libertine, alongside Linux Biolinum and Liberation Mono.

Progress Timetable

I keep this table to prevent falling behind deadlines. The estimations are taken from Beaud’s L’art de la these; they are good enough for the French system, in which a M2 Master’s thesis should be prepared in one year.

Choice: Subject-matter00
First Sifting02
Draft: Research Proposal00
Research Proposal00
Research Plan00
Draft: Writing Proposal00
Draft: Writing Plan00
Additional Research00
Exploratory Draft00
Writing Proposal00
Writing Plan00
First Draft00
Last Draft00
Final Version00
Adviser Agreement00
Fine Tuning01
Due Diligence00
Total (週)0.0031.00
Total (月)0.007.75

完 Administration

完 Dépôt du mémoire

  • [ ] 1 exemplaire papier au Bureau des M2 Recherche à l’attention de Mme Gemain-Haguy au 90, rue de Tolbiac 75013 Paris - Bureau B.15-08
  • [ ] 1 copie sur Clé USB
  • [ ] 2 exemplaires directement au Directeur de soutenance à la MSE au 106-112 Bd de l’hopital 75013 Paris

完 Soutenance

完 Délibération

完 Stages

完 Preparatory Research Stage

完 Choice of Subject-matter

完 First Sifting

  • [X] Key texts.
  • [X] Key authors.

完 Draft: Research Proposal

  • [X] Main question.
  • [X] Scope and interrelations.
  • [X] Research hypotheses.
  • [X] Methodology.
    • [X] Keywords.
    • [X] Debates & controversies.
    • [X] Axes d’interpretation.
  • [X] Check with adviser.

完 Research Stage

完 Research Proposal

  • [X] Main question.
  • [X] Secondary questions.
  • [X] Scope and interrelations.
  • [X] Research hypotheses.
  • [X] Methodology.
    • [X] Keywords.
    • [X] Axes d’interpretation.
    • [X] Debates & controversies.
  • [X] Sources.
    • [X] Update list of key texts.
    • [X] Update list of key authors.

完 Research Plan

  • [X] Check with adviser.
  • [X] Check with selected readers.
  • [X] Update the Framework.

完 Research

  • [X] Final Sifting.
    • [X] Update list of key texts.
    • [X] Update list of key authors.
  • [X] If necessary, update any component of the Framework.

完 Preparatory Writing Stage

完 Draft: Writing Proposal

  • [ ] Update Main Question.
  • [ ] Write the Directing Idea.
  • [ ] Write the Argument.

完 Draft: Writing Plan

  • [ ] Check with thesis adviser.

中 Additional Research

完 Writing Stage

取 Exploratory Draft: Thesis

  • [ ] Check with thesis adviser.

取 Writing Proposal

  • [ ] Check with thesis adviser.
  • [ ] Check with selected readers.

完 Writing Plan

  • [X] Check with thesis adviser.
  • [X] Check with selected readers.
  • [X] Classification of documents.

First Draft: Thesis

  • [ ] Check with thesis adviser.
  • [ ] Check with selected readers.
  • [ ] Rewriting including their comments.

取 Last Draft: Thesis

  • [ ] Revise each introduction and conclusion.
  • [ ] Revise the general introduction and the general conclusion.
  • [ ] Check with thesis adviser.
  • [ ] Check with selected readers.
  • [ ] Rewriting including their comments.

Final Version Thesis

  • [ ] Check for orthographic and typographic errors.
  • [ ] Check for mood & consistency.
  • [ ] Check with thesis adviser.
  • [ ] Check with selected readers.

完 Jury Stage

Adviser Agreement: Jury

Fine Tuning

  • [ ] Correct the Final Version and prepare for printing.


Due Diligence: Jury


Writing Plan

[14/15] Introduction

完 Simon, Heuristic Problem Solving: The Next Advance in Operations Research

無 Schaffer, Enlightened Automata

取 Rabinbach, The End of the Utopias of Labor

取 [0/2] Maas, William Stanley Jevons and the Making of Modern Economics

無 The Prying Eyes of the Natural Scientist

無 The Image of Economics

  • Bridging the natural and the social
  • Mechanical dreams
  • Economics as natural science

取 Dubarle, Vers la machine à gouverner

取 Oliveira, A History of the Work Concept

取 Peaucelle, Vices et vertus du travail spécialisé

取 Supiot, Le droit du travail

取 Séris, La technique

取 Supiot, Critique du droit du travail

取 Vatin, Le travail et ses valeurs

取 Thompson, Time, Work-Discipline, and Industrial Capitalism

取 Brenner, Quelle épistémologie historique?

取 Maas, The Historical Epistemology of Economics

取 [0/5] Supiot, 2012, La gouvernance par les nombres

Maybe read only chapter 3 and 7.

無 En quête de la machine à gouverner

  • Poétique du gouvernement
  • L’homme machine
  • Du gouvernement à la gouvernance

無 Le rêve de l’harmonie par le calcul

  • Les accords parfaits du nombre
  • La fonction instituante de la discorde

無 L’essor des usages normatifs de la quantification

  • Rendre compte
  • Administrer
  • Juger
  • Légiférer

無 L’asservissement de la Loi au Nombre: du Gosplan au Marché total

  • Le renversement du règne de la loi
  • Le droit, outil de planification
  • L’hybridation du communisme et capitalisme

無 De la mobilisation totale à la crise du Fordisme

  • Le compromis Fordiste
  • La déconstruction du droit du travail
  • Les voies d’un nouveau compromis

[15/15] Chapter 1

完 Peaucelle, Un «éléphant blanc» en pleine Révolution Française

完 Picon, Gaspard Riche de Prony, ou le génie appliqué

完 Peaucelle, La division du travail

完 Friedmann, L’encyclopédie et le travail humain

完 Dupin, Éloge de M. le Baron de Prony

This text mentions Smith and the division of labor.

完 Prony, Notice sur les grandes tables logarithmiques et trigonométriques

Only in this text does Prony mention the intervention of Smith’s division of labour.

完 Prony, Éclaircissements sur un point de l’histoire des tables trigonométriques

完 Delambre, Rapport sur les grandes tables trigonométriques décimales du cadastre

完 Daston, Enlightenment Calculations

完 Delaire, Épingle

完 Perronet, Épinglier

完 Firmin-Didot, Note sur la publication proposée par le gouvernement anglais des grandes tables

完 Grattan-Guinness, The computation factory: de Prony’s project for making tables in the 1790s

完 Lefort, Description des grandes tables logarithmiques et trigonometriques

取 Roegel, The Great Logarithmic and Trigonometric Tables of the French Cadastre

This text has one of the most comprehensive multi-language bibliographies on the project of the computation of the logarithmic tables at the Bureau du cadastre.

無 Chapter 1

無 Bibliography

[7/13] Chapter 2

中 [2/3] Maas, William Stanley Jevons and the Making of Modern Economics

完 Engines of Discovery

完 Babbage and his calculating engines
完 God is a programmer
無 An intelligent machine
無 Is the mind a reasoning machine?

取 The Machinery of the Mind

取 The Logical Abacus
取 The Logical Machine
取 The machinery of the mind
取 Induction - the inverse of deduction
取 To decide what things are similar

無 The Laws of Human Enjoyment

無 The factory system and the division of labor
無 Ruskin’s aesthetic-driven criticism of the factory system
無 Mill and the gospel of work
無 Work and fatigue

完 Schaffer, Babbage’s Intelligence: Calculating Engines and the Factory System

完 Babbage, On the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures

無 Chapter XIII: On the Difference between Making and Manufacturing

完 Chapter XVI: On the Division of Labor

完 Chapter XVII: On the Division of Mental Labor

無 Chapter XXVIII: On Combination amongst Masters or Workmen against Each Other

無 Chapter XXIX: On Combinations of Masters against the Public

無 Miller, Charles Babbage and the Design of Intelligence

完 Wise & Smith, Work and Waste: Political Economy and Natural Philosophy

完 Babbage, A Letter to Sir Humphry Davy

無 Babbage, On a Method of Expressign by Signs, the Action of Machinery

無 Colebrook, On Presenting the Gold Medal to Babbage

無 Lardner, Babbage’s Calculating Engine

取 Lovelace, Notes upon the Memoir by the Translator

取 Menabrea, Notions sur la machine analytique de M. Charles Babbage

取 Purbrick, The Dream Machine

無 Romano, The Economic Ideas of Charles Babbage

[0/0] Conclusion



取 Grabiner, The Centrality of Mathematics in the History of Western Thought

取 Peaucelle, Le détail du calendrier de calcul des tables de Prony 1791 à 1802

取 Ycart, La manufacture à logarithmes comme des épingles

取 Dasgupta, It Began with Babbage

取 Peaucelle, Les innovations techniques et organisationelles dans la fabrication des épingles

取 Peaucelle, Raisonner sur les épingles, l’exemple d’Adam Smith sur la division du travail

取 Campbell-Kelly, Computer: A History of the Information Machine

取 Réaumur, Art de l’épinglier

取 Gaspard-Clair-François-Marie Riche de Prony, Constructeur de ponts

取 Grier, Human Computers

取 [0/15] Heyck, Herbert Simon: The Bounds of Reason in Modern America

  • [ ] Unbounded rationality
  • [ ] The garden of forking paths
  • [ ] The Chicago school and the sciences of control
  • [ ] Mathematics, logic, and the sciences of choice
  • [ ] Research and reform
  • [ ] Homo administrativus, or Choice under control
  • [ ] Decisions and revisions
  • [ ] Structuring his environment
  • [ ] Islands of theory
  • [ ] A new model of mind and machine
  • [ ] The program is the theory
  • [ ] The cognitive revolution
  • [ ] Homo adaptativus, the Finite problem solver
  • [ ] Scientist of the artificial
  • [ ] The expert problem solver

取 Heyck, Georges Miller, language, and the computer metaphor of mind

取 Heyck, Mind and Network

取 Heyck Defining the Computer: Herbert Simon and the Bureaucratic Mind, Part 2

完 Heyck, Defining the Computer: Herbert Simon and the Bureaucratic Mind, Part 1

取 Mirowski, Core Wars

取 Gigerenzer, Mind as Computer: Birth of a Metaphor

取 Simon, Artificial Intelligence: An Empirical Science

取 Marshall, Minds, Machines and Metaphors

取 Simon, Mind as Machine: The Cognitive Révolution in Behavioral Science

取 Simon, History of Artificial Intelligence

取 Simon, Interview in OMNI

取 Simon, The Patterned Matter that is Mind

取 Simon, Theories of Decision-Making in Economics and Behavioral Science

無 Simon, Rational Choice and the Structure of the Environment

取 Simon, Public Administration in Today’s World of Organizations and Markets

Recommended by Jean-Sébastien Lenfant for the Economics and Psychology class.

取 Simon, Discovering Explanations

取 Simon, Invariants of Human Behavior

取 Simon, Rational Decision-making in Business Organizations

取 Simon, Information 101: It is Not What You Know, It is How you Know It

取 Simon, Human Nature in Politics: The Dialogue of Psychology with Political Science

取 Simon, Freedom and Discipline

取 Simon, Psychology and Economics

取 Simon, Administrative Behavior

取 Simon, Prometheus or Pandora: The Influence of Automation on Society

取 Simon, AI’s Greatest Trends and Controversies

取 Simon, Management by Machine

取 Simon, A Computer for Everyman

取 Simon, Artificial Intelligence: Where Has It Been, and Where is It Going?

取 Simon, Artificial Intelligence (simon2001b)

取 Simon, Artificial Intelligence: Current Status and Future Potential

取 Simon, Robots: Who Wants Them and Why

取 Waring, Taylorism Transformed

取 Simon, What Computers Mean for Man and Society

取 Simon, What is Industrial Democracy?

取 Simon, The Shape of Automation

無 Simon, The Economic Effects of Automation

無 Simon, The Corporation: Will it Be Manage by Machines?

無 Simon, The New Science of Management Decisions

取 Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial

[4/57] Key Text

無 [0/15] Heyck, Herbert Simon: The Bounds of Reason in Modern America

  • [ ] Unbounded rationality
  • [ ] The garden of forking paths
  • [ ] The Chicago school and the sciences of control
  • [ ] Mathematics, logic, and the sciences of choice
  • [ ] Research and reform
  • [ ] Homo administrativus, or Choice under control
  • [ ] Decisions and revisions
  • [ ] Structuring his environment
  • [ ] Islands of theory
  • [ ] A new model of mind and machine
  • [ ] The program is the theory
  • [ ] The cognitive revolution
  • [ ] Homo adaptativus, the Finite problem solver
  • [ ] Scientist of the artificial
  • [ ] The expert problem solver

無 [0/15] Supiot, 2012, La gouvernance par les nombres

Maybe read only chapter 3 and 7.
  1. [ ] En quête de la machine à gouverner
    • Poétique du gouvernement
    • L’homme machine
    • Du gouvernement à la gouvernance
  2. [ ] Les aventures d’un idéal: le règne de la loi
    • Le nomos grec
    • La lex en droit romain
    • La révolution gregorienne
    • Common Law et droit continental
    • La tradition juridique occidental
  3. [ ] Autres points de vue sur les lois
  4. [ ] Le rêve de l’harmonie par le calcul
    • Les accords parfaits du nombre
    • La fonction instituante de la discorde
  5. [ ] L’essor des usages normatifs de la quantification
    • Rendre compte
    • Administrer
    • Juger
    • Légiférer
  6. [ ] L’asservissement de la Loi au Nombre: du Gosplan au Marché total
    • Le renversement du règne de la loi
    • Le droit, outil de planification
    • L’hybridation du communisme et capitalisme
  7. [ ] Calculer l’incalculable: la doctrine Law and Economics
    • La théorie des jeux
    • La théorie de l’agence
    • Le théorème de Coase et la théorie des property rights
    • La New Comparative Analysis et le marché du droit
  8. [ ] La dynamique juridique de la gouvernance par les nombres
    • La gouvernance individuelle
    • La gouvernance de l’entreprise
    • La gouvernance étatique
    • La gouvernance européenne
    • La gouvernance mondiale
  9. [ ] Les impasses de la gouvernance par les nombres
    • Les effets de structure de la gouvernance par les nombres
    • Les résistances du Droit à la gouvernance par les nombres
  10. [ ] Le dépérissement de l’état
    • La sacralité de la chose publique
    • La direction scientifique des hommes
    • L’inversion de la hiérarchie publique/privé
    • La loi pour soi et soi pour la loi
    • Sans foi ni loi: la société insoutenable
  11. [ ] La résurgence du gouvernement par les hommes
  12. [ ] De la mobilisation totale à la crise du Fordisme
    • Le compromis Fordiste
    • La déconstruction du droit du travail
    • Les voies d’un nouveau compromis
  13. [ ] De l’échange quantifié à l’allégeance des personnes
    • La mobilisation totale au travail
    • Les nouveaux droits attachés à la personne
  14. [ ] La structure des liens d’allégeance
    • L’allégeance dans les réseaux d’entreprises
    • L’allégeance des multinationales aux États impériaux
  15. [ ] Comment en sortir

無 [0/7] Maas, William Stanley Jevons and the Making of Modern Economics

Use chapter one. If possible the last chapter as well.
  1. [ ] The Prying Eyes of the Natural Scientist
  2. [ ] Engines of Discovery
    • Babbage and his calculating engines
    • God is a programmer
    • An intelligent machine
    • Is the mind a reasoning machine?
  3. [ ] The Machinery of the Mind
    • The Logical Abacus
    • The Logical Machine
    • The machine of the mind
    • Induction - the inverse of deduction
    • To decide what things are similar
  4. [ ] The Laws of Human Enjoyment
    • The factory system and the division of labor
    • Ruskin’s aesthetic-driven criticism of the factory system
    • Mill and the gospel of work
    • Work and fatigue
  5. [ ] The Image of Economics
    • Bridging the natural and the social
    • Mechanical dreams
    • Economics as natural science

完 Heyck, Producing Reason

Solovey, Cold War Social Science: Knowledge Production, Liberal file:master.org::Producing Reason

無 Heyck, The Organizational Revolution and the Human Sciences

次 Mirowski, Machines that Buy to Machines that Sell

無 Sent, Behavioral Economics: How Psychology Made Its (Limited) Way Back Into Economics

次 Sent, Herbert A. Simon as a Cyborg Scientist

無 Sent, Sent Simulating Simon Simulating Scientists

次 Sent, Simplifying Herbert Simon

無 Sent, The Economics of the Crisis and the Crisis of Economics: Lessons from Behavioral Economics

Probably good for writing the introduction.

次 Simon, A Behavioral Model of Rational choice

無 Simon, Anecdotes: A Very Early Expert System

無 Simon, Cognitive Science: The Newest Science of the Artificial

次 Simon, Economics and Psychology

無 Simon, Economics, Bounded Rationality and the Cognitive Revolution

無 Simon, Editorial: Cognitive Modeling in Perspective

無 Simon, Models of Discovery: and Other Topics in the Methods of Science

無 Simon, On the Behavioral and Ratuional Foundations of Economic Theory

無 Simon, The Failure of Armchair Economics

無 Simon, Organization Man: Rational or Self-Actualizing?

無 Simon, Organizations and Markets

完 Simon, Pro- and Anti-Lists of the Most Significant Contributions to Economic Theory

無 Simon, Radical Constructivims and Cognitive Psychology

阻 Mayr, Authority, Liberty and Automatic Machinery in Early Modern Europe

阻 Riskin, The Defecating Duck, or the Ambiguous Origins of Artificial Life

無 Rabinbach, The Human Motor

[0/33] Important Text

中 [1/8] Mirowski, Machine Dreams

  • [X] Cyborg Agonists
    • [X] Rooms with a view
    • [X] Where the cyborgs are
    • [X] The natural sciences and the history of economics
    • [X] Anatomy of a cyborg
    • [X] Attack of the cyborgs
    • [X] The new automaton theatre
  • [-] Some Cyborg Genealogies; or How the Demon Got Its Bots
    • [X] The little engines that could’ve
    • [ ] Adventures of a red-hot demon
    • [ ] Cybernetics
    • [ ] The devil that made us do it
    • [ ] The advent of complexity
  • [ ] John von Neumann and the Cyborg Incursion into Economics
    • [ ] Economics at one remove
    • [ ] Purity
    • [ ] Impurity
    • [ ] Wordliness
  • [ ] The Military, the Scientist, and the Revised Rules of the Game
    • [ ] What did you do in the war, daddy?
    • [ ] The cybord character of science mobilization in the WWII
    • [ ] Operations Research
    • [ ] The Ballad of Hotelling and Schultz
    • [ ] SRG, RAND, Rad Lab
  • [ ] Do Cyborgs Dream of Efficient Markets?
    • [ ] From Red Vienna to Computopia
    • [ ] The Goals of Cowles, and Red Afterglows
    • [ ] Every Man His Own Stat Package
    • [ ] On the Impossibility of a Democratic Computer
  • [ ] The Empire Strikes Back
    • [ ] Previews of Cunning Abstractions
    • [ ] Its a World Eat World Dog: Game Theory at RAND
    • [ ] The High Cost of Information in Postwar Neoclassical Theory
    • [ ] Rigor Mortis in the First Casualty of War
    • [ ] Does the Rational Agent Compute?
  • [ ] Core Wars
    • [ ] Inhuman, All Too Inhuman
    • [ ] Herbert Simon: Simulacra vs Automata
    • [ ] Showdown at the OR Corral
    • [ ] Send in the Clones
  • [ ] Machines Who Think vs Machines that Sell
    • [ ] Where is the Computer Taking Us?
    • [ ] Five Alternative Scenarios for the Future of Computational Economics
    • [ ] They Hayek Hypothesis and Experimental Economics
    • [ ] Gode and Sunder Go Roboshoppin
    • [ ] Contingency, Irony, and Computation

無 Ando, On the Contributions of Herbert Simon to Economics

無 Mirowski, Interaction and Market Structure

阻 Dasgupta, It Began with Babbage: The Genesis of Computer Science

無 Callon, Economization, part 1: Shifting Attention from the Economy towards Processes of Economization

無 Callon, Economization, part 2: A Research Programme for the Study of Markets

阻 Dupuy, Aux origines des sciences cognitives

阻 Edwards, The Closed World: Computers and the Politics of Discourse in Cold War America

阻 Miller, Toward a general theory for the behavioral sciences

無 Muniesa, Peripheral Vision Economic Markets as Calculative Collective Devices

無 Muniesa, An Introduction to Market Devices

無 Sent, A Conceptual History of Emergence of Bounded Rationality

無 Simon, Applications of Machine Learning and Rule Induction

無 Simon, Bandwagon and Underdog Effets and the Possibility of Election Prediction

無 Simon, Reason in Human Affairs

無 Simon, Two Heads Are Better than One: AI and OR

無 Simon, The Scientist as a Problem Solver

無 Simon, Dynamic Programming Under Uncertainty with a Quadratic Criterion Function

無 Simon, Review of John von Neumann and the Origins of Modern computing

無 Simon, Review of Theory of Games and Economic Behavior

阻 Simon, Behavioral Economics, Vol. 1

無 Simon, What is an “Explanation” of Behavior?

阻 Simon, Behavioral Economics, Vol. 2

無 Simon, Human and Machine Interpretations of Expressions in Formal Systems

無 Simon, A Comparison of Game Theory and Learning Theory

阻 Simon, The Sciences of the Artificial

Cannot read it all; too lon

無 Simon, Programs as Factors of Production

無 Simon, Remebering John von Neumann

無 Simon, Whether Software Engineering Needs to Be Artificially Intelligent

[0/12] Ancillary Text

阻 Morton, The Revolt Against Formalism in American Social Thought of the Twentieth Century

阻 [0/17] Mirowski, The Knowledge We Lost in Information

  • [ ] It’s not Rational
  • [ ] The Standard Narrative and the Bigger Picture
  • [ ] Natural Science Inspirations
  • [ ] The Nobels and the Neoliberals
  • [ ] The Socialist Calculation Controversy as the Starting Point of the Economics of Information
  • [ ] Hayek Changes his Mind
  • [ ] The Neoclassical Economics of Information Was Incubated at Cowles
  • [ ] Three Different Modalities of Information in Neoclassical Theory
  • [ ] Going the Market One Better
  • [ ] The History of Markets and the Theory of Market Design
  • [ ] The Walrasian School of Design
  • [ ] The Bayes-Nash School of Design
  • [ ] The Experimentalist School of Design
  • [ ] Hayek and the Schools of Design
  • [ ] Designs on the Market: The FCC Spectrum Auctions
  • [ ] Private Intellectuals and Public Perplexity : The TARP
  • [ ] Artificial Ignorance

阻 [0/5] Jamie, The Open Mind: Cold War Politics and the Sciences of Human


  • [ ] Democratic Minds for a Complex Society
  • [ ] Scientists as the Model of Human Nature
  • [ ] Insituting Cognitive Science
  • [ ] Cognitive Theory and the Making of Liberal Americans
  • [ ] A Fractured Politics of Human Nature

阻 [0/8] Heyck, Age of System: Understanding the development of modern social science

  • [ ] The Organizational Revolution and the Human Sciences
  • [ ] High modern social science: A bird’s eye view
  • [ ] Patrons of the revolution: Ideas, Ideals, and Institutions in Postwar Social Science
  • [ ] The magical year 1956, plus or minus one
  • [ ] Producing reason
  • [ ] Modernity and social change in American social science
  • [ ] A model science?
  • [ ] History and Legacy, Tree and the Web

阻 [0/9] Amadae, Rationalizing Capitalist Democracy: The Cold War Origins of

Rational Choice Liberalism

  • [ ] Managing the National Securtity State: Decision Technologies and Policy Science
  • [ ] Arrow’s Social Choice and Individual Values
  • [ ] Buchanan and Tullocks’ Public Choice Theory
  • [ ] Riker’s Positive Political Theory
  • [ ] Rational Choice and Capitalist Democracy
  • [ ] Adam Smith’s System of Natural Liberty
  • [ ] Rational Mechanics, Marginalist Economics, and Rational Choice
  • [ ] Consolidating Rational Choice Liberalism 1970-2000
  • [ ] From the Panopticon to the Prisoner’s Dilemma

阻 [0/9] Ronald Kline, The Cybernetics Moment

  • [ ] War and Information Theory
  • [ ] Circular Causality
  • [ ] The Cybernetics Craze
  • [ ] The Information Bandwagon
  • [ ] Machines as Humans
  • [ ] Humans as Machines
  • [ ] Cybernetics in Crisis
  • [ ] Inventing an Information Age
  • [ ] Two Cybernetic Frontiers

阻 [1/11] Solovey, Cold War Social Science: Knowledge Production, Liberal

Democracy, and Human Nature

  • [ ] Solovey, Cold War Social Science: Specter, Reality, or Useful Concept?
  • [ ] Tolon, Futures Studies: A New Social Science Rooted in Cold War Strategic Thinking
  • [ ] Martin-Nilsen, “It Was All Connected”: Computers and Linguistics in Early Cold War America
  • [ ] Isaac, Epistemic Design: Theory and Data in Harvard’s Department of Social Relations
  • [X] Heyck, Producing Reason
  • [ ] Cravens, Column Right, March! Nationalism, Scientific Positivism, and the Conservative Turn of the American Social Sciences in the Cold War Era
  • [ ] Brick, Neo- Evolutionist Anthropology, the Cold War, and the Beginnings of the World Turn in U.S. Scholarship
  • [ ] Jones-Imhotep, Maintaining Humans
  • [ ] Bycroft, Psychology, Psychologists, and the Creativity Movement: The Lives of Method Inside and Outside the Cold War
  • [ ] Weidman, An Anthropologist on TV: Ashley Montagu and the Biological Basis of Human Nature, 1945–1960
  • [ ] Vicedo, Cold War Emotions: Mother Love and the War over Human Nature

阻 Dupuy, Aux origines des sciences cognitives

阻 Heyck, The Organizational Revolution and the Human Sciences

阻 Klaes, A Conceptual History of the Emergence of Bounded Rationality

阻 Porter, The Cambridge History of Science: The Modern Social Sciences

[0/25] Boundary Text

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    • Les origines du machinisme

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阻 Casey, The Computational Metaphor and Cognitive Psychology

阻 Chomsky, The Cold War & the University: Toward an Intellectual History of the Postwar Years

阻 Cohen-Cole, The Creative American: Cold War salons, social science, and the cure for modern society.

阻 Deutsch, The Nerves of Government: Models of Political Communication and Control

阻 Hughes, Consciousness and Society: The Reorientation of European Social Thought, 1890-1930

阻 Israel, Meccanicismo

阻 Israel, La machina vivente: contre le visione meccanicistiche del uomo

阻 Koyré, Études d’histoire de la pensée scientifique

阻 Levy, La machine univers: Creation et culture informatique

阻 Levy, Les théories de l’intelligence

阻 MacKenzie, The Automation of Proof: A Historical and Sociological Explanation

阻 Mikulark, “Cybernetics and Marxism-Leninism” in The Social Impact of Cybernetics, ed. Charles Dechert

阻 Mirowski, Against Mechanism

阻 Mirowski, More Heat than Light

阻 Mirowski, Natural Images in Economic Thought: Markets Read in Tooth and Claw

阻 Pickering, The Cybernetic Brain

阻 Purcell, The Crisis of Democratic Theory: Scientific Naturalism and the Problem of Value

阻 Ross, Modernist Impulses in the Human Sciences, 1870-1930

阻 Ross, The Origins of American Social Science

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Simon, Theories of decision making in economics and behavioral science. AER 1949 no. 3

fichier nationale des theses, Herbert Simon.


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Julia Corrin jcorrin@andrew.cmu.edu Carnegie Mellon University Libraries

  1. Herbert Simon, The Theory of Departmentalization: Ford Working Paper #8, 3/8/54, HSP, Box 7, ff. 240.
  2. Herbert Simon, Functional Analysis and Organization Theory I, 4/1/54, HSP, Box 7, ff 239.
  3. Herbert Simon, Functional Analysis and Organization Theory II, 4/30/54, HSP, Box 7, ff 239.
  4. Herbert Simon, Some Strategic considerations in the Conscturction of Social Science Models, 1951, HSP, Box 4, ff 120.
  5. Herbert Simon, Letter to Ross Ashby, 6/15/53, Box 5, ff 197.
  6. W. Ross Ashby, Letter to Herbert Simon, 7/24/53, Box 5, ff 197.