
A WIP project of training COMET model using RL.

Primary LanguagePython


Train comet (allenai, 2021) with PPO.

Download COMET weights

Download and unzip comet weights from the official repo and put them in comet_pretrained/ directory.

wget https://storage.googleapis.com/ai2-mosaic-public/projects/mosaic-kgs/comet-atomic_2020_BART.zip
wget https://storage.googleapis.com/ai2-mosaic-public/projects/mosaic-kgs/comet-atomic_2020_GPT2XL.zip

unzip comet-atomic_2020_BART.zip
unzip comet-atomic_2020_GPT2XL.zip

mkdir comet_pretrained/

mv comet-atomic_2020_BART comet_pretrained/comet-atomic_2020_BART
mv gpt2xl-comet-atomic-2020 comet_pretrained/gpt2xl-comet-atomic-2020
  • For GPT2 weights, you need to move the tokenizer files in tokenizer/ directory out to the parent directory that contains the model weights.
cd comet_pretrained/gpt2xl-comet-atomic-2020
mv tokenizer/* ./
rmdir tokenizer


The code uses trl along with transformers.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Train Larger Models on Small GPUs

  • You may want to uncomment larger model related packages in requirements.txt. Also, peft might come in handy.
git clone https://github.com/huggingface/peft.git
cd peft
pip install .

pip install bitsandbytes loralib
  • Although deepspeed integration is out of scope for this repo, you may try deepspeed, as trl supports deepspeed.

Run experiments

  1. First, login to wandb. wandb login.
sh scripts/train-gpt.sh 0,1,2,3

Training bash scripts take gpu ids (0,1,2,3 above) as argument. If you use just one GPU, it will run using a simple python launcher (python main.py). If you use multi-gpu, it will automatically use torchrun to launch.

  • multi-node training is not supported yet.