
Companion program for the new Windows Terminal that enables Quake-style drop down

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

windows-terminal-quake Build Status

Companion program for the new Windows Terminal that enables Quake-style drop down


  • Runs alongside the new Windows Terminal
  • Toggle using CTRL+~ or CTRL+Q (configurable, see below)
  • Shows up on the screen where the mouse is (eg. multi-monitor and multi-workspace)
  • Transparency
  • Configurable as fullscreen, or partial screen


There are a couple of options:

  • Download the latest release from the releases page.
  • Clone/download the source and run build.ps1 (uses Cakebuild).
  • Clone/download the source and build using Visual Studio.
  • Via scoop: scoop install https://github.com/flyingpie/windows-terminal-quake/blob/master/scoop/windows-terminal-quake.json


Since v0.4, the app supports a JSON settings file. The file can be placed at either "C:\Users\(username)\windows-terminal-quake.json", or next to the app .exe.

Changing the file automatically results in the app reloading the settings.

Suggested by Mike F

Hot Keys

Multiple hot keys are supported, with an optional modifier.

  // The keys that can be used to toggle the terminal
  "HotKeys": [

    // Tilde, without modifiers
      "Key": "OemTilde"

    // Ctrl + Q
      "Modifiers": "Control",
      "Key": "Q"


Toggle Duration

How long it should take for the terminal to come down or go back up. This is an estimate, since because of the way the toggling works, some slow downs can happen.

Setting this to 0 makes the toggle instant.

  // How long the toggle up/down takes in milliseconds
  "ToggleDurationMs": 150

Suggested by Mike F


The terminal window can be made transparent through the "Opacity"-setting. Note that this controls the transparency of the entire window, including the title bar.

  // Make the window see-through (applies to the entire window, including the title bar)
  // 0 (invisible) - 100 (opaque)
  "Opacity": 80


Suggested by ukWaqas

Vertical Screen Coverage

The vertical space that is taken up by the terminal window can be configured through "VerticalScreenCoverage".

  // How far the terminal should come down, in percentage (eg. 50 = half way, 100 = full screen)
  "VerticalScreenCoverage": 60

Vertical Screen Coverage

Suggested by ukWaqas

Vertical Offset

How much room to leave between the top of the terminal and the top of the screen.

  // How much room to leave between the top of the terminal and the top of the screen
  "VerticalOffset": 50

Vertical Offset

Suggested by Neil Santos

Horizontal Screen Coverage

Should you want the terminal to not take the entire width of the screen, take a look at the "HorizontalScreenCoverage" setting.

  // How much horizontal space the terminal should use. When this is below 100, the terminal is centered.
  // This can also be above 100, which can be useful to compensate for the window not always taking a 100% of the screen width,
  // due to the terminal being bound to column widths (eg. try 100.5 or 101).
  "HorizontalScreenCoverage": 80

Horizontal Coverage

Suggested by baslas

Horizontal Align

When "HorizontalScreenCoverage" is below 100, this setting determines where the terminal is place horizontally.

  // When "HorizontalScreenCoverage" is below 100, this setting determines whether the terminal is place horizontally.
  // "Center", "Left" or "Right".
  "HorizontalAlign": "Center"




Suggested by Rafael Pereira

Hide On Focus Lost

When clicking or alt-tabbing away to another app, the terminal will automatically (and instantly) hide.

Defaults to "true".

  "HideOnFocusLost": true

Suggested by Douglas Lara

Always On Top

Whether to keep the terminal window always on top (requires restart).

Defaults to "false".

  "AlwaysOnTop": true

Suggested by Adam

Start Hidden

Whether to hide the terminal window immediately after app start.

Defaults to "false".

  "StartHidden": true

Suggested by Christian Käser

Prefer Monitor

What monitor to preferrably drop the terminal.

Can be "WithCursor" (default), "Primary" or "AtIndex".

If "PreferMonitor" is set to "AtIndex", this setting determines what monitor to choose. Zero based, eg. 0, 1, etc.

Defaults to "WithCursor".

  "PreferMonitor": "AtIndex",
  "MonitorIndex": 1

Suggested by Christian Käser

Toggle Animation Frame Time

How long each frame in the toggle animation takes in milliseconds. The lower this value, the smoother the animation, though values lower than 15 are not supported and will result in a toggle taking more than the configured.

Defaults to "25".

  "ToggleAnimationFrameTimeMs": "25"

Suggested by Raphael Mobis Tacla