
RWOT8 in Barcelona, Spain (March 2019)

Rebooting the Web of Trust VIII: Barcelona (March 2019)

This repository contains documents related to RWOT8, the eighth Rebooting the Web of Trust design workshop, which ran in Barcelona, Spain on March 1st to 3rd, 2019. The goal of the workshop was to generate five technical white papers and/or proposals on topics decided by the group that would have the greatest impact on the future.

Visit http://rwot8.eventbrite.com for more information and to purchase tickets.

Event details for attendees (schedule, hotels, transportation) (pdf 14MB)

Draft Documents

These are the documents currently in process from RWOT8.

Paper Lead
CRUD and multi-device for IPID André Cruz
Crypto Jurisdiction Toni
DID Key Management in the Browser Alberto
DID Spec Work Manu
The Digital Citizen Chris C.
Driving Adoption Based on Basic Human Needs Sam
Enabling a Web of Trust with Self-Signed and Self-Issued Credentials Nader
Establishing the Identity of the Issuer by the Verifier in Verifiable Credentials Matt
How SSI Will Survive Capitalism Adrian G.
Human-Meaningful Names for SSI Boyma
Identity Containers Alex P.
JORAM Illustrations Katie
LibP2P for DID Auth jonnycrunch
Peer DID Method Spec Report Brent
Satyrn Joe
Social Key Recovery #1: Shamir Secret Sharing Best Practices Christopher A.
Social Key Recovery #1a: New SSS Library Daan & Mark
Social Key Recovery #2: Evaluating Social Schemes for Recovering Control of an Identifier Peg
Terminology Reiks
Sociolegal frameworks for the phygital age Elizabeth
Understanding DIDs Drummond
Use Cases and Research Directions for self-sovereign publication and journalism Juan C.
Using OpenID Connect Self-Issued to Achieve DID Auth Dmitri Z
Using OpenID Connect Self-Issued to achieve Verifiable Credentials Presentation Dmitri Z
Verifiable Credential Museum/Playground Ryan

Topics & Advance Readings

Please see Topics & Advance Readings for a list of readings prepared in advance of the conference.

Complete Rebooting the Web of Trust Listing

A different repository is available for each of the Rebooting the Web of Trust design workshops:


All of the contents of this directory are licensed Creative Commons CC-BY their contributors.