
My personal configuration files.

Primary LanguageShell


  • Zsh
  • Tmux
  • LunarVim
  • Kitty


  • Clone this repository in your home directory.
git clone https://github.com/syndg/dotfiles.git
  • Install stow using a package manager of your choice or based on your Linux/Mac distro.
# For Debian-based distros
sudo apt install stow

# For Arch-based distros
sudo pacman -S stow

# For MacOS
brew install stow
  • Run stow <appName> to install the respective dotfiles.

For example, if you want to install the zsh config files, run:

stow zsh

Install LunarVim


Otherwise stow wont be able to symlink the config files to the right place.

Install LunarVim from here

The installation is pretty simple using the official script, but if you still wanna refer to a video tutorial, check out this one: LunarVim Installation

To install my LunarVim config files, first clone this repository and run the following commands in your home directory:

# home directory
rm -rf ~/.config/lvim
cd dotfiles
stow lvim

What this config contains:

  • Codeium AI for code auto-completion
  • Different plugins for color highlighting, smooth scrolling and more.
  • Different color-schemes that you can choose from.
  • A few custom keybindings.
  • Relative line numbers enabled by default.

Codeium Setup

For Codeium to work, you need to do the following steps:

  • Head over to Codeium's website and create an account.
  • Install LunarVim and install my config files.
  • After the installation, run lvim.
  • While in normal mode enter the command, :Codeium Auth
  • You'll be redirected to Codeium's website for authentication and you'll get an API key which you have to paste it in lvim.
  • Voila you're done.

Since the <tab> key is already taken by lvim for LSP completions, I have configured Codeium to use <CTRL>+g for appending the completions.