
Woodstock is a tool developed to support experts in crop protection risk assessment for birds and mammals. Woodstock does this by providing percentile statistics about rain and temperature for time periods that occur in the standard FOCUS weather data files.

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


This is the git repository for Woodstock. Woodstock (or The Rainfall Tool to some) is a tool developed to support experts in crop protection risk assessments for birds and mammals. Woodstock does this by providing percentile statistics about rain and temperature for time periods that occur in the standard FOCUS weather data files (FOCUS Groundwater and Surface Water scenarios).

An example question Woodstock can be used to answer:

"In our seed trial in Germany, we had 10mm of rain in a 5 day period, is this an atypical amount of rain to expect?"

It would be useful to be able to answer these types of questions as studies become unconservative if too much rain falls. Rain can wash off seed coating and hence reduce exposure.

Woodstock Usage and Distribution

Woodstock is and will be distributed on a free to use basis subject to the conditions stated in the Software Licence. Woodstock is made available on a free to use basis subject to the conditions stated in the software licence (GPL v2). By downloading, installing, distributing or using Woodstock you are agreeing to these terms.

How do I get Woodstock?

A copy of Woodstock is hosted on ShinyApps.io . If the link is not working, please raise an issue on the github issues page. You can also contact open.publishing@syngenta.com

Alternatively you can clone this repository and run Woodstock locally with a local install of R.

How does Woodstock work?

At its core, Woodstock has two useful R functions: calculate_cumulative_rain and calculate_average_temp. The rest of the app is a wrapper and explanation for these functions. This app takes:

  • A date range (of less than a year), this represents a sowing period or just a range of dates that the user is interested
  • A day period, this represents the number of consecutive days the user is interested for rainfall or temperature
  • A path to a data file that contains weather data
  • A collection of meteorlogical stations found in the weather data to filter

The functions returns a data frame where rows represent a day period that lies between the date range for a met station with either the cumulative rain or average temperature. A detailed example can be found in app on the "Explanation" tab.