Remastered version of my old PyAnagram program (trash coded)
Anagrams Algorithm: Factor of each letter / factors of repeating letters (1 if none)
- Length:
- Repeating letters:
M, A, T
- Formula:
11*10*9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1 / ((2*1) * (2*1) * (2*1)) = 4989600
, so mathematically saying,Mathematics
has 4989600 possible variations
Now that the amount of variations were found, we have to actually build these variations by simply making a while
loop that runs until the length of a list that has all the shuffled names is the same as the amount of variations possible.
if not len(names) == variations: # if its still not the same:
random.shuffle(string) # import random module
if string not in names:
names.append(''.join(string)) # append to the list only if its not there, preventing duplicated ones...
else: # once matched the same amount, print them all
print('>', ', '.join(sorted(names)))
print('>', len(names), '/', variations)
So that is how you can find the anagrams for a string.
Old project had 155 lines, this one got 28 (lol)