synodical's Followers
- ankitsinghh12jala academy
- boossiman2
- ByungulSSAFY 9th
- chech2SSAFY 9th
- dev-haesaHongik University
- eastsageSSAFY 9기
- Frog-SlayerSeoul Nat. Univ., SSAFY 9th
- Gawon-Choi
- harimchungSSAFY 8th
- hso8706
- InHyeok-JSeoul National University of Science and Technology
- jlal1226SSAFY 9th
- jooy2South Korea
- JubayerRiyadJubayer Riyad
- juuyoungjeon
- keeeeeeySoftberry
- keepwa1king
- kerryfrogHongik University
- korikoknit
- malkoG
- minjae705
- mycook3
- namgonsSeoul, S. Korea
- OK-BiHongik University
- pushdown-automata
- s0ojinHanyang Univ.
- sangiljisouth Korea
- Seon-Ju@Shinhan-Bank
- SeungAh-Yoo99상명대학교, SSAFY 9기, 우리FISA 3기
- sgkim6Konkuk Univ.
- sjsjsj1246@Naver
- smc2315SW Maestro 14th
- Walla-B
- ykm1256
- Yudaeun
- yygs321