Movie App

Create an app using the Studio Ghibli API that allows users to view and review each movie.

This app should have (in order of placement in the HTML):

  • An image of the Studio Ghibli logo
  • A header (h1) that reads "Ghibli Review App"
  • A select box that contains the title of each movie available in the API, as well as a default blank selection
  • A div, empty at first, that will contain the title (h3), release year (p), and description (p) of the selected film.
  • A form, including a "text" input and a "submit" input, that allows users to submit (not save, just add to the frontend) a review of that film.
  • A ul underneath that form that should contain the submitted reviews of each film.

Please feel free to include additional divs and elements if they make styling the application easier.

The user should be able to:

  • Use the select box to select a specific film. When they select a film, information about that film (title, release year, description) should populate in the div below. When they select a different film, this information should be replaced.
  • Use the form, below the movie information, to submit a review. Each review should be a new li, with the selected film's title (in bold) and a review body (not bold).


Assume default styling unless explicitly articulated here. Do not utilize CSS Reset.

Your website should be responsive and work on screens of different sizes.

  • Body
    • Monospace font for all text (inputs excepted - default is fine).
    • lavender background color.
    • Arrange content in a column, centered on the page width-wise.
  • Header
    • Header should contain the image and h1 tags.
    • Width: 70 percent. Height: 150px.
    • Image and header text should be horizontally oriented.
    • Image and header text should be on opposite sides of the header. Vertically, they should both be positioned in the center of their containing div.
    • Image should have the same height as the header (150px).
    • Header should have a margin of 30 pixels on the bottom and a padding of 10 pixels on all sides.
    • Header background color should be skyblue.
  • Main Area
    • Main area should contain all other content on the page.
    • Width: 60 percent.
    • Content should be oriented in a column, justified left.
  • Review Text Input
    • The text input should have an explicit width of 400 pixels.

Your app should end up looking something like this:


