The Space Between v0.0.1

About the project

The Space Between provides a useTheSpaceBetween hook to wrap your server requests in a configurable AxiosInstance or preconfigured fetch functions that resolve the response to valid JSON objects.

The primary benefit to utilizing the useTheSpaceBetween hook is the countdown timer that is initiated upon the initial render, and restarted every time a server response is received when the server calls are being made through the httpClient that is provided from the useTheSpaceBetween hook.

The useTheSpaceBetween hook can also accept a function to be executed between a server response and receiving the response; as well as a function to be executed between a server error and receiving the error.

A <SessionModal> component is also available to be used hand in hand with the useTheSpaceBetween hook's timer in order to alert the user of an imminent session expiration or an already expired session.

The hook and component work hand in hand on coupling server responses to an approximate timer of a valid server session before it expires.


install (not real yet; need to publish package when release is ready)

yarn add the-space-between


npm install the-space-between --save


import axios or fetch version of the useTheSpaceBetween hook

import {useTheSpaceBetween} from "./src/axios";


import {useTheSpaceBetween} from "./src/fetch";

import <SessionModal> (or use your own component)

import {SessionModal} from "./src/components";


Instantiate useTheSpaceBetween() hook

const [sessionTimeRemaining, shouldWarn, isExpired, httpClient] = useTheSpaceBetween(
   60 * 15,
   {headers: {Accept: 'application/json'}}

Utilize the httpClient for all requests to the server

useEffect(() => {
   // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, []);

Utilize the <SessionModal> and values from the useTheSpaceBetween hook to conditionally render the warning dialogue to the user

<div className="App">
   <header className="App-header">
       <Header view={view}/>
   <main className="App-body">
       {shouldWarn && (
           <SessionModal isExpired={isExpired}
                         renewSessionFn={() => httpClient.get('/books')}
               {isExpired ?
                   <p>Your session has expired.</p> :
                   <p>Your session will expire in {sessionTimeRemaining} seconds or less.</p>}


you can use your own component to alert the user but it is highly encouraged to utilize the same properties as shown above to ensure a good user experience.

NPM Dependencies

  • @types/react
  • axios
  • react
  • react-icons
  • typescript