Meetups template

This is a template to help organize and bootstrap your workshop/meetup.

Why template ?

  • A guide line on how to set up & prepare yourself and your audience

1. Topic

Before sending out invite or even sorting out the venue, you need to have a clear idea on what you are going to talk about and make sure you actually know what you're talking about. you don't want to freeze when asked a question about the topic you're teaching/explaining, do your research and study beforehand.

2. Target audience

make sure you indicate the target audience and what they should expect to learn from the session. you don't want people who feel that the topic is too easy or too complex.

3. prerequisite

if you're holding a technical workshop make sure to give instructions and guidance on how to prepare for the session beforehand. you don't want guys spending 30 minutes installing/compiling during the session time

4. duration and avenue

mention the duration and avenue if possible give directions or google maps link.

if anything happen before the session such as cancellation or rescheduling

make sure you communicate that