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Android System Bar Color Changer

This Plugin enables to dynamically change the system bar colors (status bar and navigation bar) of your godot android app.



  • download latest release from Github releases
  • unzip the release archive
  • copy addon to your Godot project's root directory
  • enable the plugin via the Plugins tab of Project->Project Settings... menu, in the Godot Editor

How to use

  1. Turn on gradle build in your project

  2. Turn off immersive_mode in Android exprot present (to make system bar visible)

  3. Add SystemBarColorChanger node to your scene

    • To change status bar color
    • To change navigation bar color
    • If you want to have light status bar eg. WHITE (Note: You will have to call set_status_bar_color() to update changes)
      $SystemBarColorChanger.lightStatusBar = true
    • If you want to have light navigation bar eg. WHITE (Note: You will have to call set_navigation_bar_color() to update changes)
      $SystemBarColorChanger.lightNavigationBar = true
  4. Translucent System Bars

    • To enable translucent system bars
    • To disable translucent system bars

Demo Project

You can try this plugin using demo project: Demo Project



Developed By: Anish syntaxerror247