A CFD solver for multi-component compressible flow with application to high-explosive detonation, explosive safety and air blast
- AbillekMenlo Park, CA
- adcpk-fork
- Afftar123
- codeotakuAustin, TX
- corrmaanHalifax, Canada
- dmitriySem
- eemailme
- f-horschFraunhofer ICT
- forwardyang1984
- graceyangfan
- ifmfrGermany
- jeastnswc
- jerrycodes
- jhcloos
- jheylmunSynthetik Applied Technologies
- kenoba
- lemoncybChangsha
- luanmingyi
- ngvjai
- nuaawqfNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- rocdat
- scramjetFoam
- skyopener
- sunwayjasper
- uwknight
- vishalsacharya
- wtkaczewski
- yaochengbao1984
- zxyf1Brown University