
Action to deploy a silverstripe project to a host using Ansible

Action: Deploy Silverstripe

Deploys a Github repository to a host using ansible and the ansible.silverstripe role.


Name Required Secret Default Description
host - The hostname or IP to deploy to
host_user - The username with which to log in
private_key 🔐 - The private key to log in (passwords not supported)
working_dir - The directory in which to deploy. The webroot will be in a subdirectory.
base_url - The SS_BASE_URL of the page
admin_username 🔐 - The username of the default admin
admin_password 🔐 - The Password of the default admin
database_class MySQLPDODatabase The name of the database class to use
database_name - The name of the database to use
database_username 🔐 - The username to access the database
database_password 🔐 - The password to access the database
current_dir html The name of the webroot. the webroot will be at < working_dir >/< current_dir >
database_server localhost The database server
environment_type live One of dev, test and live.
htaccess_template htaccess.public.j2 Used to render a custom htaccess in the webroot. Path is relative to your repository root
project_repository git@github.com:${{ github.repository }}.git Use a custom origin. This can be used to use custom configs for diffrent repositories.
composer_command - Use a custom composer command instead of the installed one
error_log ../../../logs/ss_log.log The Location of the error log

This is an ongoing project, in the future we want to add more features of the ansible.silverstripe role.

Usage Example

To make use of this action, add the following to your workflows:

# .github/workflows/deploy.yml
name: 🚀 Deployment
      - published
      - master
      - .chglog/**
      - .github/**
      - '!.github/workflows/deploy.yml'
      - public/**
      - '*.md'
    name: 👔 Deploy to Production
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    if: ${{ github.event_name == 'release' }}
    - name: Checkout code
      uses: actions/checkout@v3
    - name: Deploy to server
      uses: syntro-opensource/action.deploy.silverstripe@master
        host: example.com
        host_user: demouser
        private_key: ${{ secrets.PRIVATE_KEY }}
        working_dir: path/to/deployment                 # see https://github.com/syntro-opensource/ansible.silverstripe#the-webroot-and-the-files-generated
        base_url: https://example.com
        admin_username: ${{ secrets.SS_ADMIN_USER }}
        admin_password: ${{ secrets.SS_ADMIN_PASS }}
        database_server: localhost
        database_name: silverstripedb
        database_username: ${{ secrets.SS_DB_USER }}
        database_password: ${{ secrets.SS_DB_PASS }}