
A port of my Lua Grid class to Ruby.

Primary LanguageRuby

Grid Class for Games or whatever else you can think of.
By Randy Carnahan, released to the Public Domain.

* Version 1.0b  - 7/13/2006
* Version 1.0   - 7/19/2006 - Last Lua version
* Version 1.0RB - 9/26/2007 - Ruby Version

Lua Version: http://github.com/syntruth/Lua-Grid


  * The Grid object is data agnostic.  It doesn't care what 
    kind of data you store in a cell. This is meant to be, 
    for abstraction's sake. You could even store functions.
  * The class defines -no- display methods. Either sub-class
    the Grid class to add your own, or define functions that
    call the get_*() methods.
  * Grid coordinates are always x,y number pairs. X is the 
    vertical, starting at the top left, and Y is the 
    horizontal, also starting at the top left. Hence, the 
    top-left cell is always 0,0. One cell to the right is
    0,1. One cell down is 1,0.
  * Some Grid constants (OUTSIDE, NOT_VALID, NIL_VALUE) are 
    not numbers, but strings, just in case number data is to 
    be stored in a cell.


  require "grid"
  g = Grid::create(8, 8, " ")
  c = [[4, 4, "O"], [4, 5, "X"], [5, 4, "X"], [5, 5, "O"]]
  g.traverse(0, 0, Grid::BOTTOM_RIGHT) do |x, y, value|
    puts "#{x}, #{y}: #{value}"
  g.resize(4, 4)
  g.get_cell(3, 3)