Kele (kě lè, or kə-ˈlə) (“Kubernetes Enablement Layer for Emacs”) is a Kubernetes cluster management package. It empowers you to perform operations as coarse or fine-grained as you need, fast, and get back to your work.
Kele comes with “batteries included.” It contains several integrations with noteworthy packages, e.g. Embark, that you can take advantage of in your own configs.
For full documentation, please visit
Kele is not an official Kubernetes project.
Clone this repository and put it in your load-path.
(use-package kele
:straight (kele :type git :host github :repo "jinnovation/kele.el")
(kele-mode 1))
The name Kele comes from the Mandarin term for cola, 可乐 (kě lè). It is also an abbreviation of “Kubernetes Enablement Layer for Emacs.”